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11.4. Methods of analysis of the results of the educational process


An important aspect of the work of the class teacher is to study the results and effectiveness of the educational process, aimed at solving a number of tasks: a) identifying the real state of the educational process (this task is solved with the help of a pedagogical slice, during which the state and effectiveness of educational work are studied taking into account specific criteria and indicators assigned tasks); b) analysis of changes in the educational process, the study of the influence of various conditions and means on the results of work, as well as their effectiveness and pedagogical expediency; c) identifying opportunities for the development of the educational process; d) study of the state and dynamics of the development of the educational process to find ways and means of its improvement; e) determining the effectiveness of the influence of educational work on the development of the personality of the student and teacher, relations in the team.

The activity of the class teacher in studying the effectiveness of the process of education should be based on a number of principles.

1. When selecting criteria, indicators and methods of studying the effectiveness of educational work, it is necessary to use a systematic approach that allows to establish the relationship of the evaluative and productive component with the goals, objectives, content and methods of organizing the pedagogical process.

2. When diagnosing the results of personality development, changes in the personality of the child should be recorded, which may indicate the effectiveness of the educational process.

3. Diagnostics should focus on changes in the child’s development over several years, rather than on one-time cuts, therefore it is advisable to carry out a multi-year diagnostic study with unchanged criteria and methods throughout the entire period of personality study.

4. Diagnostic tools should not be cumbersome and require a large amount of time and effort to prepare and conduct a study, processing the results obtained. However, it must be remembered that the use in the process of learning only express methods is not always justified, since the gain in time often entails a decrease in the quality of the information received.

5. Maximum involvement of teachers in the diagnostic process is necessary. This contributes to improving the quality of diagnostics, reducing the time spent with the main organizers of the study, expanding the possibilities for teachers, students and their parents to become familiar with the results of the study.

6. The process of studying the effectiveness of educational activities should not harm the subjects, and its results should not be used as a means of administrative pressure on the teacher, parent or student.

7. For the purpose of diagnostics, it is necessary to apply not one method, but their system, so that the methods complement each other and confirm the objectivity, the reliability of the results of the study. If possible, the methods should be a usual educational or educational tool, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, the specifics of the team and the relationships in it.

8. Some diagnostic methods should be applied only by a specialist or a person unfamiliar to the respondent in order to neutralize the influence or even the pressure of a teacher known to the subjects.

9. In the course of diagnostics, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the study of the state and results of work fits in organically with the educational process, while the diagnostic activity is educational and facilitates the solution of pedagogical problems.

10. For diagnostics, it is important to consider the possibility of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained. For these purposes, it is necessary to think over specific indicators, methods of their fixation and mathematical processing.

One of the main criteria for determining the effectiveness of the educational process is the level of development of the collective and the nature of the relations in it. The most important characteristic of collective development is the socio-psychological climate in it, for the study of which the following indicators are taken as a basis: 1) satisfaction of team members with relationships, the process of organizing activities, and leadership; 2) the prevailing mood; 3) mutual understanding of managers and subordinates, older and younger, adults and children; 4) the degree of participation of team members in management, the level of development of self-government; 5) cohesion, productivity of joint activities; 6) self-esteem of each member of the team, pride in their team; 7) security of all team members.

The main characteristic of the collective development is the state of interaction of its members, carried out at several levels: “teacher – student”, “student – ​​student”, “teacher – teacher”, “senior – junior”, “parent – ​​teacher”, “parent – ​​student” , "Parent - parent." A direct indicator of the effectiveness of the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process is the development of its main characteristics:

• by mutual understanding (objectivity of knowledge of personal characteristics, the best sides of each other, interests, hobbies; the desire to get to know and know each other better; mutual interest in each other);

• by mutual understanding (understanding the common goal of interaction, community and unity of the tasks facing teachers and schoolchildren; accepting each other’s difficulties and concerns; understanding motives in different situations; adequacy of assessments and self-assessments; coincidence of joint activities);

• on relationships (manifestation of tact, attention to each other’s opinions and proposals; emotional readiness for joint activities, satisfaction with its results; respect for each other’s position, empathy, empathy; striving for formal and informal communication; creative nature of relations that stimulates the initiative and independence of children );

• on mutual actions (implementation of constant contacts, active participation in joint activities; initiative in establishing contacts coming from both sides; responsiveness (quantity, quality, speed of work done), coordination of actions based on mutual assistance, consistency; safety net, assistance, support each other);

• by mutual influence (the ability to come to an agreement on controversial issues; taking into account each other’s views when organizing work; the validity of valid and correct mutual comments, changing ways of behavior and actions after recommendations to each other; perception of another as an example to follow).


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work