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11.5. The method of interaction of the class teacher with the parents of students


One of the most important tasks of a class teacher is to contribute to the unity, unity of the family, the establishment of mutual understanding between parents and children, the creation of comfortable, favorable conditions for the development of the child in the family. Its successful solution is possible if the basis of educational work is based on the idea of ​​cooperation of teachers, parents and students.

The cooperation of the family and the class teacher should be based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, mutual support and help, patience and tolerance towards each other. The collaboration of the class teacher and the family is the result of purposeful and long-term work, which primarily involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of family education of the child. The main aspects of this study should be: 1) family composition, age and profession of the parents; 2) household and sanitary-hygienic living conditions of the family, material security; 3) the active participation of parents in the upbringing of children; 4) value orientations of parents and children; 5) the child's day regimen; 6) leisure of parents and children; 7) distribution of responsibilities in the family; 8) traditions, family holidays; 9) hobbies, abilities of parents and children; 10) family relationships.

The class teacher also reveals the ability of parents to involve them in the organization of educational work in the classroom and school, and the performance of various types of work.

Mutual understanding of teachers and parents is possible, if the class teacher excludes didacticism in work with parents, does not teach, but advises, reflects with them, agrees on joint actions; tactfully brings them to the understanding of the need to acquire pedagogical knowledge. When communicating with parents, phrases like: “What do you think?”, “Let's think together how to be”, “I would like to hear your opinion” should sound more often.

In collaboration with the parents of the students, the class teacher uses various forms of work.

Parent lectures familiarize parents with upbringing issues, increase their pedagogical culture, and help develop common approaches to parenting. The participation of parents is desirable in determining the subject matter of the lecture.

The name "lecture" is conditional, it does not mean that only lectures are given to parents. The forms of work in it are diverse, and it is better if the parents are not passive listeners. In this regard, when organizing psychological and pedagogical education of parents, it is advisable to: a) use active forms of conducting classes that involve dialogue, the parents 'subjective position (parents' questions and a collective search for an answer with expert comments, solving problem situations, sharing experiences, discussion); b) organizing, during the preparation and conduct of classes, group work of parents, providing for brainstorming in a collective search for ways to solve the problem, developing recommendations on the discussed issue, drawing up leaflets, projects, proposals; c) conducting classes with children on issues that are interesting to both children and adults; d) informing about the most interesting and useful publications, books on problems that concern parents; e) preparation of printed materials, including specific tips and recommendations on the subject under study.

The evening of questions and answers is held after a survey of parents or drawing up problem groups that arise in the upbringing of children and relationships with them. The teacher can answer some questions, a specialist is invited to answer others (for example, on psychology, sex education). A number of issues of a problematic nature can be proposed for discussion by parents and become the basis for a specially prepared dispute.

Dispute reflection on the problems of upbringing is one of the most interesting forms for parents of raising the pedagogical culture for parents. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, allows you to include in the discussion of the problems of all those present. The subject of discussion may be specific situations from the life of the class, families, watched together performances or movies.

It is advisable to meet with the administration annually. Educators introduce their requirements to their parents, listen to their wishes. Perhaps drawing up a program of action on the problems identified. The meeting can be completed by individual consultations, conversations or work in groups, taking into account the problems and difficulties encountered.

The most important form is the interaction of teachers with the parent committee, which can be chosen by the parent meeting for the whole academic year. In classes where parents are active and interested in interaction, the function of the parent committee is alternately performed by all parents, divided into groups at will. At a meeting of the parent committee, which are held as necessary, the teacher and parents work out ways to implement the ideas and decisions adopted by the meeting. Committee members can share responsibilities, roles, and functions in organizing work with both parents and children, and determine how to interact with individual parents and families. The parent committee of the class seeks to involve parents and children in organizing classroom matters, solving the problems of the life of the collective. The same functions are performed by the parent committee of the school, which is formed from representatives of the primary collectives and carries out the decisions of the parent conference or the school collective meeting.

The question of visiting children at home is controversial, because it has both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, the teacher, having visited the student’s family, can find out in what conditions the child lives and, if necessary, try to influence them, but on the other hand, such a measure is an invasion of the family’s personal life. In addition, it is possible that the teacher will be difficult to establish contact with this family.

The rules of pedagogical counseling for parents when visiting a family are as follows: 1) not to come into the family without warning, so as not to embarrass her or not to find herself in that position; if possible, plan a visit for no more than 5-10 minutes (an experienced teacher of this time is enough to sort out the situation, and for parents such a visit will not be burdensome); 2) not to talk, standing at the entrance, in outerwear; 3) avoid aggressive tone, even if this form of communication is imposed by parents; 4) to conduct a conversation in the presence of a child.

The most common form of work of a class teacher with parents is a parent meeting, whose decisions determine the main directions of raising children in the family, the activities of the class teacher and the parent committee to strengthen the interaction between family and school. The main tasks requiring permission at the level of interaction between the class teacher and parents are:

- the study of the conditions of education in each family;

- informing parents about the dynamics and results of teaching and raising children in school;

- pedagogical education of parents; providing specific assistance to families experiencing pedagogical and material difficulties;

- direct involvement of parents in the organizational and managerial aspects of the pedagogical process in the classroom and school.

Depending on the specifics of the tasks being solved, different types of classroom parental meetings are distinguished.

1. Organizational (choosing a class parental committee; choosing activities according to directions; choosing representatives to the school board; developing and approving a parent committee's work plan for a quarter, half year; creating initiative groups from among parents of a class to help prepare school-wide and classroom activities, etc. P.). The main task of such meetings is to form a workable parent asset that will become an assistant to the class teacher in organizing educational work in the classroom, mobilizing parents to be directly involved in the pedagogical process.

2. Thematic (orienting to solve the problems of pedagogical education of parents). In terms of form, these can be lectures and discussions on psychological and pedagogical topics, psychological and pedagogical trainings, discussions, and reader conferences on the problems of family education. Thematic meetings also include emergency meetings and joint meetings of parents and children devoted to a particular holiday or a specific topic (“Meeting of generations”, “My choice of profession”, “Preparing for final exams”, etc.).

The main purpose of thematic meetings devoted to the problems of pedagogical education is to raise the level of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, to arouse interest in scientific ways of solving problems of family education, to induce to analyze and correct their relationships with children from pedagogical positions.

Emergency meetings are designed to promptly determine the joint actions of teachers and parents in connection with an emergency, a difficult situation, the decision of the school board, etc.

3. Summary (aimed at summarizing the work for a certain period of time). They are conducted by the results of a quarter, half year and year. The main task of such meetings is to sum up the work of the class over the past period, to analyze the reasons for success and failure, to outline ways for further cooperation. These meetings can also be held together with children, which contributes to increasing their responsibility for the results of their educational work and behavior.

4. Combined (including tasks of all previous types of assembly). Such meetings are practiced by class teachers most often.

Regardless of the type of parental meeting, there are some general requirements for its organization:

• timely informing parents about it;

• tactful informing parents about positive changes in the upbringing and education of their children, information about class life as a single collective (about plans, achievements, development of humanistic relations);

• identification of areas for further joint activities with parents and managerial aspects of the educational process of the class, school, their mobilization for this cooperation;

• creation of a psychologically comfortable environment in communication with parents.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work