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12.1. The concept of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work


The activities of education and personal development are carried out in different ways. An important role belongs to such types of it as out-of-class and out-of-school educational work.

Extracurricular educational work is the organization of various activities by the teacher, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the individual during extracurricular activities. It is an independent sphere of educational work of the teacher, conducted in conjunction with the educational work in the classroom. Extracurricular activities are usually conducted by subject teachers, employees of sponsored enterprises, parents, and students' assets.

Out-of-school educational work is an integral part of the system of education and upbringing of children, adolescents and students. It is carried out in free time from study in order to develop the interests and abilities of an individual, to satisfy their needs for cognition, communication, practical activities, recuperation and improving health. Extracurricular work is closely related to the educational process at school, educational work at the place of residence and is carried out mainly by extracurricular institutions.

Out-of-class and out-of-school educational work are specific in their goals, objectives, content, and methodology. There are a number of pedagogical principles of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work.

The principle of voluntariness of extracurricular and extracurricular work is ensured by the fact that the students themselves choose the form of classes that interests them. This applies to optional classes, circles, sections and other forms of extracurricular work, as well as to enrollment in extracurricular educational institutions.

The principle of social orientation assumes that the content of the work of circles, clubs, associations and other forms of educational activity will be socially significant in nature, meet the urgent tasks of the development of the country, will be associated with the achievements of modern science, technology, culture and art.

The principle of initiative and initiative requires that, in the course of educational work, the wishes of the students themselves, their initiative proposals and actions be fully taken into account, and that when conducting extra-curricular and extra-curricular activities, each student performs a certain type of activity.

The principle of using play forms of activity, romantic symbolism, entertaining and emotional situations is of particular importance in working with children of primary and secondary school age, where the need for gaming techniques is highest.

The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the participants is reflected in the content, forms, methods of extra-curricular and extra-curricular activities, in the nature of the relationship between educators and pupils.

Among the variety of forms of organization of out-of-class and out-of-school educational activities, most often are used:

• Circles, where children mainly receive knowledge in any one subject and form the corresponding skills;

• club associations of children according to their interests, the distinguishing features of which are the presence of self-government bodies, their own symbolism and attributes, collective creative activity, communication of members of a club of different generations, etc.

• complex forms of children's educational associations - studios, workshops, laboratories, schools, which allow to identify early creative talent, develop children's abilities, provide in-depth study of one or several subjects, high quality of children's creative product.

The main methods of activity in out-of-school and out-of-class educational work include: a) methods of informing (lectures, stories, conversations, discussions, holding "round tables", etc.); b) methods of visual illustrations and demonstrations (display of posters, visual aids, films, paintings, drawings, etc.); c) methods of practical activity (performance of work tasks, tasks for the production of models, devices); d) methods of stimulating creative activity (encouraging, creating situations of success, censuring deficiencies, etc.); e) methods of monitoring the effectiveness of parenting (observation, conducting control conversations, questionnaires, essays on the basis of their activities in the circle).

The following requirements are imposed on out-of-class and out-of-school educational work:

- organic link with the educational activities of the school;

- coherence with the educational work of the school, family, public;

- Mass coverage of children, subject to voluntary registration in groups and sections;

- free choice of the nature of creative activity by children;

- a combination of mass, group and individual forms of educational work;

- a combination of methods of education, the organization of children's activities, the stimulation of vigorous creative activity and the monitoring of the effectiveness of educational work.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work