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7.2. Traditional methods of organizing and conducting educational activities


This methodology includes the stages of planning, modeling and implementation. In the course of planning, the goal of the event is determined, which should reflect the developmental, corrective and formative functions (sometimes the training function can be one of the tasks). At the same stage, the theme (name) of the educational event is formulated. The name of the event should not only accurately reflect its content, but also be concise, attractive in form. For this you can use proverbs, sayings, popular expressions, famous quotes, problematic issues, etc.

When modeling an event, the choice of content, methods and means necessary for its preparation and implementation is carried out. The results of the simulation are reflected in the outline of the educational event, which has a clear structure, including a number of mandatory points: 1) the name of the event; 2) its general purpose and educational objectives; 3) equipment, including a list of methods and tools necessary for its conduct (manuals, toys, videos, slides, literature, etc.); 4) the course of the event, reflecting the sequence of its stages and a summary of each stage. The description of the course of the event can be either its detailed sequential presentation from the first person, or a thesis plan with the main content reflected on the cards.

When modeling the course of an event, its duration and structure should be taken into account. A general educational event can last from 15–20 minutes (for six-year-olds) to 1-2 hours (for high school students). The optimal time for the event is from 45 to 60 minutes.

Educational event includes the following main stages.

1. Organizational moment (1-3 minutes). Pedagogical goal: to switch children from learning activities to another type of activity, to generate interest in the event, to create a positive emotional attitude. Effective switching of children to extracurricular activities is facilitated by surprise, i.e., the use of a riddle, a problem issue, playing moment, sound recording, etc., changing the conditions of children's organization, moving to another room or just an unusual arrangement of children in a class, etc.

2. Introduction (V5 time of the whole event). Pedagogical goal: to activate children, to arrange them to the educational impact, to “bridge” from the personal experience of the child to the topic of the event. The teacher determines how closely his pedagogical forecast with respect to the children's opportunities, their personal qualities, level of awareness of the topic, emotional attitude, activity level, interest, etc. coincides with the reality. Based on this, he can make the necessary adjustments during the event.

The introductory part may be a short conversation (cognitive, aesthetic, ethical activities) or a warm-up, including quizzes, contests, puzzles, crosswords, tasks for quick wit, agility, etc.). Questions and tasks should not only be interesting to children, but also give the teacher information about the students' readiness to accept the prepared material. During the introductory part, the teacher introduces children to the plan of the event, breaks them up into teams, explains the rules for holding the event, and gives clear criteria for evaluating the participation of children in it.

3. The main part should be the longest, accounting for 1/2 or 1/3 of the total time allotted for the event. Pedagogical goal: the implementation of its main goal and main educational tasks.

The educational effect in the implementation of the goals and objectives is greatly enhanced if the children are as active as possible during the event. The effectiveness of the main part increases if the teacher uses a large number of behavioral methods, includes various activities, creates a welcoming, emotional atmosphere, thinking over the conditions for the convenience of working and communicating children during the event, distributing responsibilities, forming a “feeling of elbow” basis of cooperation, not rivalry.

4. The final part (1/5 of the time from the whole event). Pedagogical goal: to tune the children to the practical application of the acquired experience in extracurricular life and to establish how successful the goal of the event was. For this purpose, test character tasks are used in an attractive form for children: a crossword puzzle, a mini-quiz, a game situation, etc.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work