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10.1. Team Concept


A collective (from Lat. Collectivus - a gathering, a crowd, a joint meeting, an association, a group) is an association of people characterized by the following features: 1) a common socially significant goal; 2) joint activities aimed at its achievement, the general organization of this activity; 3) relations of responsible dependence (one for all, all for one); 4) the presence of elected governing bodies.

Among the main characteristics of the team are:

• intracollective atmosphere, i.e., psychological climate, relations between team members;

• cohesion, i.e. mutual understanding, security, “feeling of an elbow”, involvement in a team;

• mutual assistance and mutual responsibility, i.e., goodwill and selflessness, healthy criticism and self-criticism, the spirit of competition.

The team is usually regarded as a social organism, the development of which largely depends on the nature of the relations of its members in the process of organizing activities and communication, because the team has interpersonal communication, the main properties of which are: a) constant readiness for action; b) self-esteem, arising from the ideas of the value of his team, pride in him; c) the friendly unity of its members; d) a sense of security of each member of the team; e) activity, manifested in readiness for orderly, businesslike action; f) habit of restraint in emotions and words; g) the possibility of self-realization, to find a case for the soul.

The student team is an educational team, because children accumulate positive social experience in various spheres of life, in particular, the experience of collective behavior in positions: a) subordination (the child as a member of society and a member of the team is forced to accept the rules and norms of interrelations inherent in either other team); c) active opposition (a student who is convinced that he is right, takes an active position and not only expresses his point of view, the opposite of the majority opinion, but also defends it before the team); c) leadership (the student is a member of the asset and periodically performs managerial functions).

Participation in the life of the collective contributes to the formation of the child of such socially valuable qualities as citizenship, humanism, initiative, responsibility, social justice.

For each pupil, the team acts as an arena for self-expression and self-affirmation as a person, because only in a team are such essential personal characteristics as self-esteem, level of aspirations and self-esteem, that is, acceptance or non-acceptance of oneself as an individual, formed.

The organization of collective learning and cognitive, value-orientation activities and communication creates conditions for the formation of intellectual and moral freedom and exercise in their manifestation, since only in collective life-activity are the intellectual and moral orientations of the individual, his civic position and a number of socially significant skills and abilities.

The role of the collective in the organization of labor activity is also great, since only in the conditions of a collective is mutual responsibility for the end results of work and the need for mutual assistance manifested.

Physical well-being and artistic-aesthetic activities organized in conditions of free collective communication stimulate a meaningful exchange of spiritual values, contributes to the emotional development of pupils, evoking a feeling of collective empathy, sympathy, a common sense of the emotional and moral atmosphere and its co-creation.

The team opens up before each individual the possibility of practical mastering of democratic forms of organization of life activity, which is realized through the active participation of children in school self-government and public life.

Based on the foregoing, the educational team can be viewed as a system that acts as:

• an organic part of a more complex association - an educational team, which includes, in addition to a children's team, teachers-educators;

• relatively autonomous system, which is characterized by the processes of self-regulation, self-organization, self-government;

• Coordinated unity of two structures: formal, developing under the influence of adults, determining its organizational structure and activity, and informal, arising in the process of interpersonal communication;

• a subject of activity for the implementation of common socially significant goals set for all its members;

• carrier of the general integrative property (atmosphere, psychological climate) characterizing the collective as a single whole and manifested in its public opinion, emotional reactions and value orientations, in the norms and traditions that determine the behavior of its members;

• The subject of education in relation to the personality of each member of the team.

In the student team, two structures can be distinguished: formal, representing the differentiated unity of different types of primary teams, which is given from outside by teachers, and informal, forming connections and relationships of an emotional-psychological nature (based on sympathy, affection, etc.), which occurs spontaneously. Each student can be in the same contact group, in several groups or not in one. The position of the student in the formal and informal structures can both coincide (the leader and a good comrade) and conflict (the good organizer, but no one wants to spend free time with him).

The whole school team does not have a direct impact on each person individually. Such influence is exercised only through the primary team, in which the pupils are in constant business and interpersonal interaction. Primary teams can have the following modifications:

- by the time of its existence - permanent or temporary;

- by the nature of the activity - organized on the basis of various activities, including training (classes, squads, etc.); on the basis of one type of activity (circles, sections, clubs, etc.); on the basis of gaming and other activities at the place of residence;

- by age composition - even-aged and uneven-aged.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

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