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The program of educational work in the classroom (approximate structure)

1. Explanatory note:

a) features of the class and pupils;

b) features of the nearest social environment of each child and his interaction with the environment;

c) principles for selecting the content and organization of the educational process;

d) principles of building a program.

2. Educational goals.

3. The content and organization of the educational process.

A. Organization of the life of the children's team:

a) tasks;

b) content;

c) ways to implement the tasks.

B. Organization of the activities of children's self-government bodies:

a) tasks;

b) the content of activities and ways to implement the tasks.

B. Cooperation in achieving educational results:

a) tasks;

b) the content of activities and forms of cooperation.

The main document in the work of the class teacher is a plan for the school year (half year). The following sections of this plan are recommended.

1. Analysis of pedagogical work for the past academic year.

2. The tasks of the class teacher for the new school year, the formulation of which must meet the following requirements:

a) flow from the analysis of work;

b) differ from the tasks of the previous year;

c) be specific and realistic for implementation;

d) to permeate all the planned work with students, parents, cool team.

3. Work with a team of students.

4. Interaction with the teaching staff.

5. Work with the family and the public.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work