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Section II. The formation of value relations to the norms of cultural life


Hygienic culture and the introduction to it. Care for your body. Nutrition Culture. Sleep culture Care for clothing and housing. Hygiene girls and boy hygiene. Culture behavior during illness.

Physical culture, familiarizing children with physical culture. Gait, plastic, rhythm, exercise to improve the body. Water and air procedures.

Body Culture. Language of the body. Strength and flexibility of the male body. Grace and lightness of the female body.

Culture of human behavior: learning and schooling (in public places, in art institutions, with strangers, with old people, children, the disabled, the sick, in the lap of nature, alone with themselves, in communicating with the book; the behavior of men in relation to women).

Ecological culture and introduction to it. Nature as a source of aesthetic pleasure. Ways to communicate with nature. Human communication with animals. Man care for animals. Animal Behavior.

Culture of mental labor. The book as a source of knowledge. Knowledge as a constant of human life. Reading culture. The attitude of man to the book. Culture of perception and reproduction of information. Culture of information transfer. Culture of discussion, dialogue and monologue. Teaching and self-education. A culture of speech. Culture of writing fixation of knowledge. Culture of posing and solving problems. The development of memory. The development of imagination.

Culture of physical labor. Labor as the creation of material values, their preservation and augmentation. Labor as a way of decorating the habitat. Work to help another person. Labor as a means of livelihood. Labor as a livelihood. Work - care and work - work.

Economic culture. Money as the equivalent of human labor. Respect for the financial means of another person. Thrift and generosity. Dependency kids and old people. Economic assistance to parents. Benefit as a material and economic assistance.

Legal culture. The inviolability of the person as a principle of human relationships. Bodies of legal protection. Offenses and crimes, their consequences for the life of the person and surrounding people.

Spiritual culture. The ratio of material and spiritual as a means and content of life. Spirituality as the "humanization" of the world. The search for the meaning of life and the eternal questions of life facing man.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work