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5.3. The program of formation of basic cultures of the individual


This program was developed on the basis of the approach proposed by O. S. Gazman and A. V. Ivanov and aimed at the formation of basic personal cultures.

Central among them is the culture of life self-determination, which characterizes a person as the subject of his own life and his own happiness. The main component of self-determination is the development of the position of the creator, transforming his own personality. Self-determination implies independence, positional certainty and a program of actions for its implementation.

In accordance with this approach, education should ensure the harmony of a person with himself through the achievement of harmony with other people, society, nature, and human activity. Self-determination, self-realization, self-organization, self-rehabilitation, being the most important components of self-development of an individual, also become the main areas of pedagogical work.

On the basis of the program for the formation of basic cultures of an individual, teachers can develop subprograms "Health", "Communication", "Teaching", "Leisure", and "Lifestyle".

The Health program is based on the fact that the teacher must know the psychological and physiological characteristics of the child’s development at different age stages, the main signs of the physiological disorders of the children’s body, and understand what causes deviations in their health. The class teacher with the help of the school doctor and parents draws up a personal program of feeding and hardening the child, develops a system of physical and breathing exercises, helps the child to develop an individual mode of work and rest, determine the necessary time for sleep and independently organize his own mode of life.

The program "Communication" involves the teacher in organizing the relationship of the child with peers and adults in solving problems in communication. Speaking with parents, the teacher needs to understand the environment in which the student is brought up, how strong family ties are, what is the style of the relationship between the parents and the child, what is their position in the family. The teacher should be able to distinguish both the hereditary character traits of the child (closed, open, talkative, etc.) and socially determined (non-communicative, shy, cheeky, etc.). Having studied the child's position in the field of communication, the teacher helps him to resolve the difficulties associated with the interaction; creates conditions for the correction of his relations with his comrades, with adults, with his parents; contributes to self-affirmation in the team (for example, it helps to change the student's social role as a “loser”, “hooligan”, “loser”).

The program "Teaching" is aimed at helping the child to learn. To do this, the teacher must: a) conduct testing aimed at identifying cognitive interests, abilities, features of thinking, memory, attention, the will of the child, his typical learning difficulties; b) on the basis of observation of the child in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, identify the reasons for his lag or success in school; c) in personal conversations with a student, find out how parents, comrades, and teachers help him; how independently he performs his homework; what help he needs from the teacher; how home stimulates his successful study.

On the basis of the data obtained, the teacher organizes work on assisting the student in conjunction with subject teachers and the head teacher. To this end, he tells them about the peculiarities of the child’s cognitive and individual-typological sphere, so that teachers, when organizing an individual approach, can use forms and methods of teaching that are adequate to their capabilities.

The “Leisure” program is an important component of the class teacher’s activities, since it covers the child’s rest time and is aimed at developing his abilities and interests, developing the skills of free communication with people. Favorable development of the student in the field of leisure occurs if the class teacher complies with the following rules: a) the forms and content of leisure are not imposed on the students, but are voluntarily chosen by them; b) leisure activities are based on the principles of self-government, children themselves are the organizers of their leisure time; c) the forms of organizing leisure activities reasonably alternate (from a noisy discotheque to quiet communication of schoolchildren in their circle).

The “Lifestyle” program involves educational work, during which such values ​​as the Motherland, democracy, democracy, publicity, family, work, civil property, etc. are developed. The purpose of the work within this program is to recognize the student as part of the outside world and through nature-building self improvement. This process includes mastering the ecological culture, understanding of its responsibility to future generations in the process of mastering and transforming nature, moral responsibility for using the products of scientific and technological progress, civil attitude to the historical, spiritual, moral achievements of the people, identifying and shaping the people's and national culture of the individual. .


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work