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Approximate scheme of the plan (for a year, half year, quarter)


  Approximate scheme of the plan (for a year, half year, quarter)

There is no generally accepted form and structure for a class teacher’s work plan, since the teacher needs to be creative in drawing it up, taking into account the particularities of the classroom, the conditions of the school, and personal experience. The structure and form of the class plan may vary; the main thing is that they are convenient for work and operational adjustments.

One of the forms used by class teachers is to combine perspective, calendar, and current planning. When you make a plan for each week is given one turn of the notebook. This allows you to provide basic business for the entire year and make timely additions and changes.

It is advisable to make an individual work plan with each student. This is possible if the class teacher is released from school work, takes the full-time teacher and has time to work purposefully with each child.

The class teacher needs to make sure that the plan is clearly designed and accessible to all students. It can be a grid plan, which reflects the main affairs and events of the class, as well as school activities in which the children decided to participate. It is better if the students choose or create their own plan form themselves.

The class teacher should remember that the planning process does not end with the writing of a plan, but continues throughout the year, as more specific, concrete educational plans are drawn up, according to which the work plan is constantly updated.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work