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Section VI. Formation of life position. Development of the ability to individual life path choice


The purpose of a person in life: to think, to promote the good of others, to create - as the fundamental difference between man and animal. The world in its holistic perception. Harmony and unity of the world. The formation of a taste for life in the process of a holistic perception of the world. Communication with the world as such. Overcoming duplicity and one-sidedness in evaluating life on earth. General patterns of human life, reflected the philosophical view of the world.

My “I” in the world and the world in my “I”: the uniqueness of reflections. "Assignment" of the world and care about the device of life on earth. The participation of each person during his life, his influence on the fate of others. Position as a distance, empathy and a measure of participation in relation to the surrounding reality. Identify the position in the act. The difference in the life positions of men and women: natural purpose, hierarchy of interests, physical and spiritual warehouse.

Man's image and lifestyle. Death as a cessation of life, its outcome as a sign of the end of life and a factor of its value. The concept of happiness, conscience, duty, freedom as characteristics of real life.

Fate and man as the master of his fate. The ability to build their own destiny. The development of this ability in practice. Man as a philosopher: the ability to be aware of his own life.


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Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work