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Variety of magnetic circuits


Straight chain (toroids, choke).
Branched chains (symmetrical I1 • W1 = I2 • W2, asymmetrical I1 • W1 # I2 • W2).
(transformers, etc.)

  Variety of magnetic circuits
Figure 6

In parallel branches of a branched magnetic circuit with H1 and H2 and middle lines l1 and l2

  Variety of magnetic circuits

Kirchhoff's laws for magnetic circuits

1st law - the algebraic sum of magnetic fluxes in any node of the magnetic circuit is 0.

  Variety of magnetic circuits

The 2nd law - the algebraic sum of the magnetic voltage drops Um = H ∙ l along any closed contour is equal to the algebraic sum of the ppm.

  Variety of magnetic circuits

EMU with constant magnetic fluxes

  Variety of magnetic circuits
Figure 7

Toroid with thick walls

  Variety of magnetic circuits

  Variety of magnetic circuits   Variety of magnetic circuits
Pic 8

Absolute Magnetic Permeability and Induction

  Variety of magnetic circuits


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design