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Chains with R, C, L elements


Electrical circuit with R-element

  Chains with R, C, L elements

Consider a circuit with an R-element, as shown in Figure 1. Place the directions of current and voltage and write down the electric equations of this circuit according to Ohm’s law:

i = u / R = (Um / R) sin (ωt + ψu) = Imsin (ωt + ψi)

it is obvious that Um = RIm; ψu = ψi, then the phase angle between voltage and current will be 0, i.e.
φ = ψu - ψi = 0, which corresponds to the time diagram shown in Figure 1, the voltage and current coincide in phase.
For valid values ​​Ohm's law: U = RI
  Chains with R, C, L elements

  Chains with R, C, L elements

the impedance of the resistive element is always a valid positive number, which is equal to the active resistance value R.

Power on R-element:

  Chains with R, C, L elements phase angle φ = 0, then P = UIcosφ = UI, Q = UIsinφ = 0, therefore, the total power on the resistive element is equal to the active power. This means that the resistor is working to convert electrical energy into heat.

  Chains with R, C, L elements
created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2021-03-13

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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design