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Homogeneous line parameters


  Homogeneous line parameters

Ro is the resistance of the forward and reverse wires;
Lo is the inductance of the loop formed by the direct and return wires;
go - conductivity (leakage) between the wires;
Co is the capacitance between the wires, or between the wires and ground (working capacitance).

Differential equations based on Kirchhoff's laws

  Homogeneous line parameters

If the power source is sinusoidal in nature and in line steady state

  Homogeneous line parameters

Instantaneous Voltage and Current

  Homogeneous line parameters

Ѳ - wave resistance argument

  Homogeneous line parameters

• Attenuation coefficient - α
• Phase ratio - β
• Wave propagation coefficient - γ
γ = α + jβ
• Characteristic or characteristic impedance - Zc
• Input resistance line Zin

Expressions for voltage and current are expressions describing a traveling wave moving in the direction of increasing or decreasing coordinate X and decaying in the direction of the wave movement.
Forward and reverse waves are a convenient technique for decomposing the resulting current and line voltage.

  Homogeneous line parameters

  Homogeneous line parameters


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design