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Receivers of electrical energy:


a) with irreversible processes of conversion of electrical energy into other types of energy:
Resistor, (the conductor's resistance to electric current), electrical energy is converted into heat.

Resistor symbol

  Receivers of electrical energy:

1-type device:
Р - constant, RP - variable, ТР - thermistor, etc.
1 - non-wired, 2 - wire, etc.
3-ordinal development number
Example designation: P1-26 (fixed non-wired resistor).

The main parameters of resistors
nominal resistance and tolerance on the value of resistance
rated power
temperature coefficient of resistance
Values ​​of nominal resistances are selected from the series of resistances Е6, Е12, Е24, Е48, Е96, Е192

Incandescent lamp, electrical energy is converted into light, heat energy, etc.

  Receivers of electrical energy:

b) with reversible processes of electrical and magnetic energy conversion

A capacitor is an element of an electrical circuit,
intended to be used by him
electrical capacitance

Symbol Capacitors

  Receivers of electrical energy:

Capacitor, with capacity

C = q / u.

Capacity of a flat capacitor

  Receivers of electrical energy:

1-type device:

K- permanent, CT-trimmer, KP-variable;
2-digit, determining the type of dielectric (10-ceramic, 40-paper ...);
3-number development.
Example: K10-36 permanent capacitor ceramic

The main parameters of the capacitor
rated capacity
operating voltage
loss tangent
temperature coefficient of capacitance (TKE)

Inductor with inductance

  Receivers of electrical energy:

Auxiliary devices:

a) Switches that control the operation mode of the electrical circuit
b) Relay
c) fuses for protection against overvoltage or inadmissible current values.
d) Switches, switches.

Electrical Circuit Classification

Current source

Linear: R, C, L
Nonlinear: diodes, zener diodes and d


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design