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Chains with distributed parameters


At high voltages above 35 kV, at high frequencies above 50 Hz, in telecommunication engineering, with a significant length of transmission lines el. energy to neglect the currents of displacement and leakage through the garlands of insulators and corona is unacceptable, since the current in the wires has a different value in different sections of the line.
The current in the wires of the line causes a voltage drop in the active resistance of the wires and creates an alternating magnetic field, which in turn induces self-induction along the entire EMF line. Therefore, the voltage between the wires is also not constant along the line.
To take into account the change in current and voltage along the line, it is considered that each element of the line (section) has R and L, between wires Y and C - this line is called a chain with distributed parameters.
If we assume that R and L, Y and C are uniformly distributed along the line evenly, which is an idealization, then such a line is called homogeneous.

Chains with distributed parameters

Figure 1 Homogeneous line

See also

    created: 2014-09-27
    updated: 2021-06-26

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    Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

    Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design