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The first law of commutation


The current in the branch with the inductive coil cannot change abruptly. At the first moment, the transient current retains the value that it had at the moment preceding the switching, i.e. i (0-) = i (0+).

The first law of commutation

I = 0 ÷ E / R
in t (0-) → I = 0
in t (∞) → I = E / R

This conclusion was made on the basis of the impossibility of an instantaneous change in electrical and magnetic energy.
Those. let the current in the inductance change abruptly, then:

The first law of commutation

and the stored energy must also change abruptly.

Because The first law of commutation

But the power can not be infinitely large, so the current in the coil can not change abruptly in contrast to the voltage.

The first law of commutation


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design