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Air and cable lines


Aerial wavelength

Air and cable lines

Input impedance line.
Concentrated resistance, which can replace the line with the load at its end.

Air and cable lines


Air and cable lines

In short circuit mode

Air and cable lines

The reflection coefficient of the wave - in the line with the load a reverse wave occurs. This is taken into account when introducing a reflection coefficient ñ

Air and cable lines

The reflection coefficient is determined in the places of the line, where there is heterogeneity, usually the beginning and the horses of the line.

Air and cable lines

If the reflected wave does not occur, then such a load is called a consistent or load without reflections. In this case, the reflection coefficient is equal to 0. The absence of a reverse wave means that all the power carried by the direct wave to the end of the line is absorbed by the load.
Power transmitted on a consistent line is called natural or natural.
Natural power mode may occur in high voltage lines

Air and cable lines


Air and cable lines

Αl attenuation is measured in Nep or dB
1 nep - when the active power at the beginning of the line is more than the active power at the end of the line by e2 times.

Decibel decay

Air and cable lines


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design