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Task nodal potentials method


  Task nodal potentials method

R1 = R5 = 10 Ohm, R4 = R6 = 5 Ohm, R3 = 25 Ohm, R2 = 20 Ohm, E1 = 100 V, E2 = 80 V, E3 = 50 V

Determine the currents in the branches by different methods, draw up and calculate the balance

We solve the problem by the method of nodal potentials
Make equations

  Task nodal potentials method

The current in any branch of the circuit can be found by the generalized Ohm's law. For this it is necessary to determine the potentials of the nodes of the circuit. Ground any node of the circuit φс = 0.
Solving the system of equations, we determine the potentials of the nodes φa φb

φa = 68 B φb = 43.2 B

According to the generalized Ohm's law, we determine the currents in the branches. Rule: EMF and voltage are taken with a “+” sign, if their directions coincide with the direction of the current, and with a “-” sign, if not.

  Task nodal potentials method

Constructing a potential external contour diagram
Calculation of potentials and points of the circuit


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design