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Maxwell equations in differential form


Divergence (divergence) of the force vector F

  Maxwell equations in differential form

Any charge q being in an electric field of strength E is experiencing a force F.

Rotor (vortex of force vector F) lines of force

  Maxwell equations in differential form

1st Maxwell's equation

  Maxwell equations in differential form

Differentiation is replaced by jω in the case of a simple harmonic signal

2nd Maxwell's equation the case of magnetic permeability

  Maxwell equations in differential form

3rd equation Gauss equation for electrostatic field

The divergence of the electric displacement vector is equal to the electric charge density

  Maxwell equations in differential form

in case of constant permeability:

  Maxwell equations in differential form

Relationship between vectors

J = σ • E - Ohm's law

D = ε0 • E + P

H = B / μ0 -M

Conductor with current divH = 0
Inside conductor rotH = J ≠ 0
There is no current in the outer region of the conductor. RotH = 0


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design