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Triangle receiver phase connection


One of the main ways to noticeably change the power when the load is disconnected is to switch the connection circuit of the source and receiver from the star to the triangle and vice versa.
When you turn on the beginning of one phase with the end of the other with the formation of a closed loop get the connection triangle.

  Triangle receiver phase connection
Pic 1

Triangle is connected to the receiver phase, i.e. The three phases of the receiver are connected between the linear wires in Figure 1.
The phase voltages of the receiver are equal to the corresponding linear voltages of the power supply:

  Triangle receiver phase connection

phase currents:

  Triangle receiver phase connection

Positive direction of phase voltages   Triangle receiver phase connection coincides with the positive direction of the phase currents.
When the receiver triangle connects, a closed loop is obtained, therefore:

Il = Uf

Phase voltages are defined as linear oscillators:

  Triangle receiver phase connection


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design