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Voltage resonance


The mode of operation of the RLC circuit or LC circuit, provided that the reactances XC = XL are equal, when the total voltage of the circuit coincides in phase with its current, is called voltage resonance.
XC = XL - resonance condition

  Voltage resonance

Signs of voltage resonance:
The input voltage is in phase with the current, i.e. phase shift between I and U φ = 0, cos φ = 1
The current in the circuit will be greatest and, as a result, Pmax = I2maxR is also maximum, and the reactive power is zero.
Resonance frequency
  Voltage resonance
  Voltage resonance
Resonance can be achieved by changing L, C or ω.

Vector diagrams at voltage resonance
  Voltage resonance


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design