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Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits


1. Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits occurs under the condition that all elements of the circuit are ideal, i.e. R, L, C are perfect.
The electrical state of sinusoidal current circuits is described by the same laws as in DC circuits.

Ohm's law:

Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits

Kirchhoff's first law in trigonometric form:

Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits

Kirchhoff's first law in a complex form:

Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits

Kirchhoff's second law in trigonometric form:

Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits

Kirchhoff's second law in a complex form:

Analysis of sinusoidal current circuits

The algebraic sum of the complex voltages on the passive elements is equal to the sum of the external emfs included in this circuit. m is the number of contour plots. The rules of signs when drawing up equations are the same as in DC circuits.


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design