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Electromagnetic field theory


Electromagnetic processes in all electrical devices can be considered from the point of view of field theory, since many laws that are used in the calculation of the circuits of these devices are based on this theory.

These laws include

  Electromagnetic field theory

The last expression is applicable if the electric field is related to electric charges by the Coulomb law
Grad gradient of potential φ is a vector, any component of which is equal to the rate of increase of potential in the direction of the coordinate; the direction of the gradient φ is the direction of the most rapid increase of φ.

  Electromagnetic field theory

In practical electrical engineering, almost all sections are related to field theory.
In radio engineering - the propagation and reception of electromagnetic waves.
In electric cars.
Insulation technology.
High voltage technology.

Electromagnetic phenomena can be described from the point of view of field theory, and quantitative relationships and particular laws can be found from a small number of equations.

These equations are called Maxwell equations.

  Electromagnetic field theory

  Electromagnetic field theory

  Electromagnetic field theory   Electromagnetic field theory


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design