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Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit


If XL> XC ie
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

U is ahead of I, so the circuit is actively inductive.

Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit the voltage on the coil is greater than the voltage on the capacitor.

Vector diagram
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit lags behind I, then the circuit has an active-capacitive character
the voltage on the capacitor is greater than the voltage on the coil.

Vector diagram
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit
Parallel connection of elements in a sinusoidal current circuit
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

At the input of a parallel circuit voltage U

Ohm's law

Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

Equivalent branch resistances:
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

We write the equivalent conductivity:

Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

according to the first Kirchhoff law:
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

Triangles of conductivity and currents
algebraic form Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

G - the real part, the active component
B - imaginary part, reactive component.

Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit
Conduction triangle

Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit

Current triangle
Cases of other modes of operation of the RLC circuit


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Electrical Engineering, Circuit design

Terms: Electrical Engineering, Circuit design