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22. The situation of the Italian daily newspapers in the 80's


in the 80s, the press managed to overcome an acute crisis. Most newspapers are technologically updated. В81г. The law on printing №416 was adopted. Of particular relevance were the issues of distribution of paper for newspapers, on preferential telephone and telegraph tariffs, on the price of newspapers, on state subsidies for the technology of re-equipment of publishing enterprises. The antitrust provisions of the law caused the greatest resonance. According to them, the circulation of newspapers owned by 1 owner could not exceed 20% of the circulation of all newspapers, and the circulation of newspapers served by one high-assignment advertising company - 30%. The law prescribed publicity in matters relating to budget publications, the distribution of shares among owners and the performance of financial transactions in the publishing industry. But in 87g. followed by another law, No. 67, supplementing the provisions of the 1st. In the 80s, for the first time in the post-war period, one-time circulation of newspapers began to grow in Italy. With 87g. daily newspapers have switched from a fixed single sale price to a free one. During these years, the type of the national newspaper, which was most fully embodied in the Republic, was finally established in the daily press system. It was distinguished by the breadth and uniformity of coverage of the country. She increased the circulation by playing practice. Then her example was followed by Messagerer, Stampa, and Koryer Delo Sera. Circulation increased and due to magazine applications, presents, weekly applications with TV programs and local information, illustrated applications of a national nature. These weeklies tightened not only the struggle for readers, but also for advertising, which in turn affected the interests of the journal sector of the press. Along with the national newspapers in these years, a new type of local newspapers was formed, united in chains. The increase in the circulation of financial and economic newspapers was 108% (leader - Confindustria, More than 24 ore). This affected not only the increase in specialized publications, but also an increase in its volume in the information press. Many newspapers, in addition to thematic headings, began to publish custom-made applications. Sports newspapers were on the rise, especially after the victory of the Italian national team at the football championship in 82g. Despite the government subsidies, the financial situation remained unstable. Newspapers lost readers, circulation fell.


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