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38Regional Daily FR. Print and press overseas departments and overseas territories


In Fr. every day nat the press gradually gave way to the regional press. During the occupation of Paris. not spread across the territory of the country and the regional press has strengthened its position. The provincial seal not only maintained the level of distribution, but even increased it. The reasons for the success of the provinces. the seals are seen in the following: constant interest in local news, more profitable production, a large amount of provinces. gas., a reduction in the population in the capital, an increase in the number of readers in Paris, going to work in the car. System rasp-I province. gas. allows you to limit the short copies. Local advertisers see in p. reliable and effective tool. Provin press. less than the capital is affected by audiovisual media. Studies show that the local press is viewed by the reader as the most reliable means of information. She is considered a guide when shopping, because It gives the most informative advertising. The regional press also takes into account the habitual way of life of the inhabitants of the regions, which the national press does not do. The superiority of the metropolitan press over the provincial ended in 1944. The provincial press previously made technical re-equipment and began to apply color, Most national newspapers publish several local publications, in which the only ones left are nat. International information, but there are local bands containing local information. About 70 regional newspapers in France have a total of 400 publications. Despite the fact that the regional press at the end of the 70s is in a better condition than Paris, but it also faces problems. Uncompetitive publications have disappeared and this leads to the monopoly position of the surviving publications. In the 90s, most of the regions of France had one regional newspaper. Increasingly, small urban newspapers have lost their independence. In the mid-60s, large regional newspapers divided the distribution zones of their publications and refused to compete in the territories that were on the borders of their distribution zones. Since 1966 began to practice the agreement on combining national advertising. However, since the beginning of 1980. This category of daily press began to experience significant difficulties associated with the concentration of distribution of the section of spheres of influence. This allowed Ersan to buy more than a dozen provincial newspapers. (This process began in the 50s.) An increasing number of provincial daily newspapers are in an unstable situation and, since the 1980s, the provincial press has become an object of interest not only for national press groups. promysh. finisovyh companies. During these years, Ashett acquired the newspaper Provensal, the group Havas –– actions of various local publications, etc. As regards the content and manner of presenting information in the provincial press, this is alarming. In the absence of competition, the local press loses sharpness. The newspaper depends on the views of the reader. Each critical material causes dissatisfaction. Local journalists try to highlight regional events as much as possible, but here too there are difficulties due to the proximity of the authorities. "West France" comes out from 1944. in the city of Rennes (Brittany). Since 1976 The newspaper holds the 1st place in France in circulation and distribution. In the mid-90s, its distribution of 730130 copies. The newspaper publishes 40 variants of removable lanes and distribution in 12 departments. The success of the newspaper and publication is explained by the absence of large Parisian newspapers. Prog and Dauphine Libere are two rival publications. “Prog” is published in Lyon, “Dauphiné Liber” in Grenoble. In 1966. they conclude an agreement on the unification of some services: advertising, distribution, create their own news agency, built a common printing complex. In 1979 Prog’s owner terminated these agreements, the conflict between the newspapers ended in a loss of independence for both newspapers. "Dauphine Libere" in 1982. buys Ersan, 1985on buys Prog. Both newspapers have interchangeable pages. Sud-West (Bordeaux) since 1944. It occupies a dominant position in the departments of the Gironde, Charente, Landa and the Atlantic Pyrenees. Supervises several local newspapers. The most significant regional newspapers are Vaux du nor, Nismaten (Primor. Alps), Dernier Nouvelles d'Alsace ( Issued in Strasbourg, rasp-ks in the department) Press of the overseas department and overseas territories. Here is dominated by Ersana . It controls the daily newspaper France-Antius (50 thousand ex.), Deneli de Tahiti (13 thous.), Nouvel Coledien (20 thous.) On the island of Reunion, he owns the Cotidien de Reunion (35 th.) And Journal de L Ile de Reunion ”(26 thousand). On this island, the daily newspaper Temouña (3.5 thousand people) is the organ of the French Communist Party.


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