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Preliminary thinking about the conversation, composing questions


Already during the study of the material, the journalist develops a plan for the future conversation. How it will be - with pre-formulated, well-thought-out questions or only in the form of a scheme, an outline of the main problems that can be solved depends, firstly, on the goals of the interview, on the tastes and habits of the journalist. Sometimes having a strict list of questions is required. For example, when a journalist goes to an official to talk on some clearly defined program. Pre-prepared questions need to have to talk on the phone, as well as if it takes place in a limited time interview. Thus, if a journalist does not make up questions, he thinks over the course of the conversation, mentally builds up her plan. He must be prepared: a working hypothesis, that is, an idea of ​​the problem, its development, its place in the issue being studied, or, if we are talking about a portrait interview, the main features of the hero, and so on. The working hypothesis is essentially thinking about the specific goals of the interview at a new level, that is, specifying the goals, armed with a thorough study of the subject, the future interlocutor.

The dramaturgical core of the conversation. This is the central element of the conversation, which should unite the interests of the journalist and the interviewee. It allows you to talk to the interlocutor, makes him speak seriously, not stereotyped, enthusiastically. Often, such a core is the clash of ideas, the moment of discussion of the interview. Which makes the interlocutor to object, prove, open up in a dispute.

Choosing the place and time of the interview

Preparing for an interview, a journalist should take care that the situation was psychologically favorable. The interviewer must choose a meeting place deliberately, decide on the presence of outsiders. The meeting place must first be convenient to the interviewee. If we are talking about a long conversation, in which the journalist will be interested mainly in the person of the interlocutor, it is good to arrange a meeting at his home. In a familiar environment, as you know, a person feels more natural.

The presence of outsiders inevitably affects the results of the conversation, but it is not always harmful for a journalistic interview. A shy interlocutor may be calmed by the presence of someone close to them in the conversation, as the presence of other people sometimes stops from the desire to boast, to lie.

When negotiating a meeting, the journalist should clarify what time the interviewee has and how to schedule an interview, depending on this.


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Terms: Journalism