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Questions in an interview


In journalistic activities, the issue is a very important tool for obtaining information. The question immediately draws the enemy into the discussion, does not give the opportunity to evade the answer, makes them respond on the merits. The whole network of questions should drive the enemy into a corner, and the final question sums up the discussion, finally puts points on i. So, some subtleties in the question:

excellent general knowledge of the subject matter

formulating questions so as to exclude the possibility of evasion

the first question should immediately involve the partner in the conversation

Anticipation of possible answers of the interlocutor and the following questions from them

Thus, the question is a form of movement of thought, but not a replacement for it.

The main importance of the questions is the realization of the goals and objectives of the interview. Therefore, questions can be classified for a variety of reasons, for example:

by question form: Open and closed

An open question calls the subject or subject to the interviewee, and then he is free to structure the answer at his discretion.

In a closed question, possible answers are inherent in him, so the respondent must choose a statement, an opinion that most closely matches his position as an interview. Closed questions are widely used in the mass survey. In the magazine, they are used in the event that the interlocutor finds it difficult to express his opinion due to various circumstances: shyness, fear of appearing ridiculous, inability to express one’s thought. However, one must remember the danger of unwittingly imposing an answer on the interviewee.

Direct and indirect, personal and impersonal

In a conversation, all sorts of psychological barriers can arise: the interlocutor cannot answer the question because he is shy, does not know how to express what the interviewer needs; therefore, to ease the stress, ask a question indirectly. But this is advisable only in the following case:

It is necessary to obtain information about the behavior, relationships, disapproving, unpopular in this environment. In advance, we can assume that the interlocutor finds it difficult to express opinions that are contrary to the moral or ethical standards shared by those soc. groups to which it belongs. Then you need to build a question so that it releases the interviewee from the categorical statement, while at the same time allowing him to receive information about his views and opinions.

The choice of the personal and impersonal form of the question is essential. The personal form of the question reveals an individual opinion, the impersonal form gives an answer not about his own point of view, but about the opinions of others, reveals not the identity of the interlocutor, but his ideas about what reality requires.

2. on the impact on the interlocutor:

Guiding or prompting questions.

Care should be taken that questions do not contain clues: what information does the journalist want to receive, and what information is not desirable for him. In interviews published in the press, and especially often on radio and television, there are questions: “You know that ... ..” Few in such cases will decide to object to a journalist who has everything already planned and clear. Most interviewees in such cases are in a hurry to express their consent. Sometimes prompting questions are intentionally used by journalists, especially those. Who all have decided in advance and do not want to give up the prevailing view.

3. by function:

Basic, probing, additional.

When preparing for an interview, a journalist should first of all draw up the main questions that should bring the most important information. However, in a real situation, the main issue may not work. People often leave the answer. In this case, using probing questions and analyzing the behavior of the interlocutor, the journal will be able to determine the cause of the unsatisfactory answer and ask a number of additional questions in order to obtain information. For which was designed the main issue. Most often, probing and additional questions are not prepared in advance, but arise when the main question does not work, as well as in those cases when a new turn of the topic arises unexpectedly or a new topic of conversation.

In the same way, control questions can be compiled in advance, but also appear spontaneously during the interview. Their goal is to check whether the interviewee actually possesses the knowledge for which he aspires, those feelings that he tells, in a word, the verification of the incoming information for authenticity.

One of the components of a successful interview is a competent language and style of questions.

First of all, the question should be clear to the interviewee and have the same meaning for him as for the journalist. As far as possible, it is necessary to take into account the level of knowledge of the interlocutor and try to construct the question in such a way that the concepts and terms included in the question are familiar to him. It is necessary to be ready to rephrase an incomprehensible question, to explain the term. A good journalist can find a common language with each interlocutor, but this does not mean at all. That he should operate with the same colloquial expressions, professional words, as the interlocutor. The next requirement for the question is that it should contain one thought. Otherwise, the interviewee answers only the last part of the question or the one that is easier for him to remember. Sometimes a journalist mixes several in one question, as he tries to prompt the interlocutor to think about it, and then this set of questions turns into a hint.

When composing questions, the journalist should pay attention to the fact that they are perceived as appropriate within the limits of the topic under discussion and correspond to the objectives of the interview. The question may also be unexpected for the interlocutor, and unusual in form. It is important that the journalist is able to present it in such a way that it does not produce a negative effect.

When drafting questions, it is necessary to take into account such an important factor as the awareness of the interlocutor. If he can not answer the question. That arises from the very unpleasant feeling that he did not cope with his task, does not meet the expectations of the journalist, drops himself in his eyes. The interviewee may withdraw, hurry with the end of the conversation.

See also

created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2021-12-21

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