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30. Group Havas


It appeared as a result of privatization in the late 80s of an advertising agency. The history of the group is from the translation agency of foreign newspapers Charles-Louis Havas, created in 1826. In 1835, the bureau became the agency Havas. In 1841, the government handed over the agency to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the mandate to deliver information on the meeting of chambers and foreign information to the prefects. The state became involved in the capital Havas since 1941, submitting to the requirements of the occupation authorities. The agency’s activities at this time were reduced to advertising. The privatization operation Havas became the final stage of the process, which began in 1961, when the state reduced its participation in capital from 79% to 57%. The state did not participate in additional financing and gradually its share was reduced to 50%. New shareholders were Canal +, Vern Bank, Pariba. In recent years, the activity of the agency has diversified. Only according to the old tradition until 1987. this information group was called an agency.

The main strategy of Havas is the conquest of the international market and the expansion of publishing activities within the country (free editions, yearbooks, regional press). Gavas invests in print, Rabio, TV, but the main thing for her is the advertising business. The group controls about 20% of the French market. In the media, this is excessive concentration, which gives enormous power, allowing to influence the orientation of publications. The dominant position Havas provides in one hands the functions of the advertiser, the manufacturer of the advertisement and the advertisement medium. Havas, in contrast to Ersan, does not seek to absorb 30-40% of the capital of prosperous enterprises. In 1988 Havas acquired 52% of the capital of the company KOMAREG, a French leader in publishing and distributing free newspapers. It distributes about 10 million daily copies of 116 titles. Havas excelled in the field of billboard advertising. Fmlial Gavas Avenir set up, on equal terms with the British counterpart Mills and Alen, the company Europoster, which placed its activities on the Spanish, Portuguese and Italian markets for billboard advertising. In the 90s, the structure of Havas included such press enterprises as Regis Communication, Havas Regi, Office d'Annons (telephone yearbooks), урurna Gratai (free newspapers), Interdeco (magazines), Havas class announcement (regional and departmental newspapers). TV companies are also included in Havas: Channel +, RTL, KLT, FR 3, Publissite. Radio companies Havas: Enformacion e Publish, Regis de RTL, Regis de Sud Radio. Film enterprises: Medyavizyon. Enterprises for the production of posters: Abner, Metrobius. The fact that Havas concentrated in one hands the functions of the advertiser, the manufacturer, the carrier, made her a monopolist in this sphere. In Havas, starting from the 70s, the 4th link in this chain - centers for buying up space. In 89g. an agreement was reached that the British Aegis Corporation buys the capital of the French group Karat Espace. The founders of this group, the Gross brothers, in turn, became shareholders of the Aegis group, and then shared their participation with the Havas-Havas-Eurokom branch. Thus, the company is reorganized, preparing for a single European market. In the early 90s, Havas left the company with a turnover of approx 35 billion francs.


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