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Information correspondence


Information correspondence differs in detailed and wide coverage of the subject, it may include some elements of assessment, prescription, forecast. It is close in its essence to the report, but differs from it in that the author of correspondence is not present at the scene of the event at the time of its commission and does not set itself the task of giving a detailed emotionally rich description of the subject of the display. The topic of correspondence is often the most ordinary events or some local situations, processes.

- The information report is highlighted in a special genre by the fact that various meetings, party congresses, conferences, parliament meetings are displayed. The purpose of the report is to report on the decisions taken, while it is important to accurately state the wording of the decisions made so as not to create trouble associated with the distortion of information.

- The informational interview is published in order to bring to the attention of readers the opinion of a competent person about an event. Here the details of the event, the specification of its place and time are especially important. Such an interview contains questions of a specific nature and fairly concise answers, and, if necessary, additional questions clarifying the technical details mentioned in the answers to the main questions. Such additional questions must be asked in order to make the professional terms used by the expert understandable to the reader.

- The survey contains answers to the same question of different people, its purpose is to brief the audience about the existence of any opinions, views, preferences. The quiz is interesting if it contains a variety of opinions.

- The publication of the question-answer type arises as a result of combining the reader's question and the answer to it either by the journalist himself or by some competent person. A specific feature of this genre is the indissoluble unity of question and answer. The attractiveness of this genre lies in the fact that, in comparison with a regular article, the answer to a question can quickly attract the attention of readers. This is what happens if the editorial office received a question that is interesting to many regarding important events.

- The report is one of the most beloved genres of domestic journalists. Initially, the reporting genre was represented by publications informing the reader about the course of court sessions, parliamentary debates, etc. Later this kind of reporting began to be called reports. The peculiarity of the reporting genre arises, first of all, as a result of the extensive use of the method of observation and fixation in the text of its course and results. The task of any reporter is to give the audience the opportunity to see the described event through the eyes of an eyewitness (the reporter), i.e. create a "presence effect". For the reporter, it is important not only to visually describe an event, but also to describe it in such a way as to cause empathy for the reader. Ways to achieve this goal are the presentation of the dynamics of the event or the presentation of the dynamics of the author's experiences.

- The obituary is a notice of the death of people (first of all - known to this audience). He usually contains a brief biography of the deceased, information about where and how he worked, his achievements and rewards, words of farewell and expressions of grief for the deceased.

- Note. The most characteristic of this type of genre is a note. A note usually reports facts (reliable information about events that have occurred), may contain assumptions (forecasts, hypotheses, versions), evaluation information, regulatory information (reports on new laws and rules), recommendations.

There are several types of notes:

Event note contains a message about any event or state of affairs in any area.

The announcement announces upcoming cultural events, exhibitions, concerts, the opening of new facilities.

Abstract informs about published books, articles.

A note can be a mini-review.

One type of note is a portrait blitz. Such a note contains brief information about a person in order to give the audience a primary idea of ​​his personality.

Mini-review is a factual note, it describes not one event, but a certain set of events combined by time or topic.

A mini-story is often found in publications for family reading, the subject of display in it is some kind of family, love, professional or other life intrigue, built on the relationships of people.

The mini-council contains information of a program type, for example, tips on housework, maintaining health.

The content of the note demands the speed and relevance, its form should be different accuracy, brevity and clarity of presentation .

Accuracy It relies not only on a good knowledge of the facts, but also on the correct use of words, for which it is useful for a journalist to refer to explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries and special reference books, to pay attention to an accurate record of names, positions, geographical names, names of institutions and organizations.

The brevity of a note is determined by the specifics of the genre and is reflected in its language: the note often uses speech cliches (well-established ways of expressing information about typical situations) and abbreviated names (abbreviations). From the point of view of the culture of speech, it is important that only generally accepted abbreviations are used, little-known abbreviations must be accompanied by the full name, otherwise the striving for brevity will negatively affect the clarity of the message.

Clarity Notes are very important in its quality, as the reader needs to extract the information addressed to him from a text of small size.


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Terms: Journalism