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14. Factors inhibiting the development of the Italian press in 1950


Initially, the press did not feel the competition of TV. Unhealthy symptoms appear in her. One manifestation of this in the mid-50s was an intensive increase in the number of news agencies and a rapid reduction in the number of press. The reasons for the reduction of newspapers. Economic: a sharp increase in the cost of publication; paper price increases; lag of technical equipment of editorial staffs; increasing the volume of newspapers; increase in the remuneration of journalists and typographic workers. But there were also deep reasons connected with the level of preparedness of the broad masses and the reproduction of newspapers. Lagging on form and highly politicized in content. Illiteracy. In 57, among the population older than 6 years, 30.8% were illiterate and semi-literate. In addition, the “crackdown” policy continued to operate in the press. Even the international press institute in 1955 noted that political polarization in Italy threatened the work of newspaper editorial offices. And evidence of this situation was a lot. Opposition publications during these years received accusations of diffraction and insult of public figures. The crisis of the left print is associated with both internal and external signs. A big role was played by events in the USSR. The closed report of Khrushchev appeared in print only after 2 months. In Italy, excerpts from it appeared first in Jorno, after - in Espresso. The whole press was included in the discussion, but Unita was silent, and the Poet Serre only excerpts from the report.


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