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Goals and objectives of the course


The purpose of this is, firstly, to give students a clear idea of ​​the place that moral principles and values ​​occupy in the activities of such a socially significant institution as journalism in the work of each individual journalist.

Students should learn that the observance of socio-historically conditioned moral attitudes is the key to success in any activity, in any social intercourse, and it provides the most optimal result of any particular activity for society. At the same time, compliance with the requirements of morality has its own independent significance, since it enhances the image of journalistic activity and ensures the social sustainability of the professional behavior of a journalist.

Secondly, in the course of studying this course, students should learn both the basic principles, values, rules and norms underlying the professional ethics of a journalist, as well as those rules of professional behavior that provide the necessary moral result of this activity. You can not just declare a desire not to lie, to report accurate information about events. A journalist must reinforce this desire with the ability to perform certain professional operations, both simple and quite complex.

Those moral principles and values ​​that accompany the activities of a journalist - analyst, investigator, commentator of events and situations deserve special attention. In these cases, the social significance of the journalist's labor, its impact on people and, consequently, its moral content, sharply increases.

The goal of the course is achieved in the course of both students learning theoretical and applied knowledge, as well as the practical analysis of real moral situations and professional conflicts that occur in contemporary Russian journalism. In this regard, students should master the method of analyzing specific journalistic texts, their preparation from the point of view of compliance with professional ethics, get acquainted and comment on publications in professional publications on the topic of morality, materials of court proceedings concerning journalistic speeches, etc.


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Terms: Journalism