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24. French press during the Second World War


For France, the war began in 39g. and much that happened in the press during this period will then play a huge role in the development of post-war journalism. Within 10 months, received in France the name of "strange war", the position of the press has changed little. At this moment, the French bourgeoisie was engaged in the defeat of the left movement of the French compracy inside the country. All the communist publications and the Communist Party itself were banned, and the bourgeois press did not experience any difficulties. Only in June 40g. on the eve of the occupation of Paris, some newspapers were closed, others began a "great exodus" to the south. After the signing of the shameful truce, which resulted in the occupation of 2/3 of France, the country was divided into 2 zones, where the conditions for the press were different. A regime was established in the northern zone, proclaiming Collaborationism as its official policy, that is, cooperation between the governments of Pétain and the occupying forces. The government of Pétain was located in the city of Vichy, the regime known as the visishi. All publications published in this zone were under the control of the propaganda service of the German control, led by the Minister of Propaganda Goebbels. The Vishi regime was supported only by those organizations and newspapers that strictly followed the policies of Collaborationism and contributed to strengthening their own French fascism. The well-known monarchist Charles Moras and his newspaper "Action Francaise" became a kind of ideology of French fascism. Another fan of fascism, Marceus de A, headed the national-national association, and his newspaper, Ovr, appeared in Paris after the first officially authorized regime publications, such as Victoire, Matin, Pari-Suar, and Petite Parisien, speaking now as an unofficial body of the French national party, claiming the role of mass support for French fascism. Novo Tan provided open support to the regime. In fact, she was an official of the German embassy in Paris. Its director, Jean Luscher - the organizer of the "national corporation of the French press" - was one of the few odious journalists who were shot after the liberation of France. The same thing happened with Roger Brasiak, who was publishing the newspaper “I Sue Sue Desk”.

Agency Havas at this time was divided into 2 parts. His advertising sphere was taken over by the Nazis, and the information by the Vichy government. The information department was nationalized and merged with the “French Information and Press Agency”, created by the Germans as a branch of the nationalist agency Deutsche Pahrichten Bureau.

The newspapers of the southern zone, which had already experienced the pressure of the propaganda service of the German command after 11 November 42nd, when the occupation was distributed to the whole country, fell into the same conditions as the newspapers in the northern zone. Created in the south of France, the “legion of former front-line soldiers” all its activities, including and in the field of the press, it aims to gather information necessary to strengthen the Vichy regime. Many newspapers from this time have stopped their exit, but there are a lot of collaborationist publications left. During the entire period, various groups, resistance movements, were gaining strength in both zones. The leading political resistance force was the Communist Party.

Communists attached great importance to illegal publications. Under the harsh conditions of the underground, the party continued to release its central organ, L'manite. It was possible to adjust distribution and other party editions. By the summer of 43g. great strides have been made in uniting numerous groups and bodies into a single National Resistance Council (NSS). The Communist Party entered it as one of the largest parties. Many groups and organizations that went to the NSS had names that remained after their release. The names of the newspapers reflected the slogans of the Resistance movement, so popular at that time.


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