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Analytical (problem) report


This type of reporting is focused not only on the description of a one-time event, but also on finding out the reasons for its occurrence and development. Therefore, in this type of reporting we observe a symbiosis of various genre elements. In the analytical report there can be sketching elements (description of the place of action, characteristics of its participants), informational (facts, figures, evidence), analytical (assessment, commentary, forecast). All these heterogeneous elements, as a rule, are united by a single topic, which is disclosed by the author in a logical sequence. The motion of the theme unfolds according to the scheme: thesis argument - conclusion. Therefore, in an analytical report to the author, it is most important to show the logic of the development of the event, all the preceding and accompanying facts and cases, which to a greater or lesser extent can shed light on the life situation.
To reveal the essence of a problem, a journalist may consider not one, but several homogeneous events that occurred at different times and in different places, but for the same reasons. Therefore, temporal and spatial displacements are possible in analytical reporting.
The dynamics of the narrative can be achieved by expanding the author's thoughts, judgments and versions, as well as showing the internal driving forces of the problem.
Unlike other varieties, in an analytical report, the facts are given in a generalized form, that is, as a kind of result already comprehended by the author of the data.
Informative and thematic report
According to its functional purpose, this type of reporting can be divided into special, investigative and commented. In all these varieties, the reporter’s description of an interesting life situation comes first. Therefore, the main thing here is not an operational occasion, but the disclosure and knowledge of new and unknown aspects of the life of society.
A special report is prepared in cases where a situation or problem requires a thorough and comprehensive study of the reporter. As a rule, special reports are written on the most relevant and socially significant topics. To select the most interesting of the many events, you need a special reporter sense. In this case, as noted by the theorists, “a special report should justify its name. Therefore, it is worth considering: whether it is possible from this event to make a report with the remark “special”. ”
So, at the heart of the special report should always be a hot topic. What is more important is not the prompt submission of facts, but rather their relevance and importance to the public.
In contrast to the special report, the investigative report focuses on the reporter’s cognitive process. In this case, much depends on the role that the journalist chooses. As a rule, such reports use the method of "included observation". It is for this purpose that they change their profession or are actively involved in various kinds of experiments. Larisa Reinsner and M. Koltsov were the founders of the method of “changing the profession” in Russian journalism.
The report is an investigation, according to the researchers, this is a “dynamic description of the obstacle course” that a journalist overcomes in the search for information that they are trying to hide.
Reporting comment
This type of reporting is not focused on detailed coverage of the event, but on its detailed commentary. Using the elements of the commentary, the reporter can explain or explain to the readers the essence of the event, that is, as theorists note, “isolate the most important thing from what is happening, but not interpret it deeply, using additional arguments, without which serious analysis is impossible, but give room for thought and imagination by the readers themselves and the listener. "
The following comment types can be used in the commentary: extended comment - a lengthy explanation of the fact; synchronous commentary - clarification of the facts to the smallest details; expert commentary - the fact is commented on by a professional, more competent person; polar comment-interpretation, explanation of the fact by various experts. In all these cases, the reportage comment must necessarily be correlated with the event being described or with this or that document, human act, or life situation.
Thus, having considered various types of reporting, we can note that this genre can be classified for various reasons: by subject and function (event, analytical), cognitive-thematic (special, investigative, reportage-commentary). In all these cases, we emphasize, the report retains its informational nature, even if it contains elements of analysis.
created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2024-11-14

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Terms: Journalism