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16. The development of Italian journalism in the 60s. Rai in the era of Eret Barnabe


. At the beginning of the 60s-course on the update of the communist press. In Milan, the new publishing center "Unity". The political crisis of the 60s of the year revealed the weaknesses of the Italian magazine. Leading newspapers, radio and TV were subordinated to the interests of the owners, conservative. This required changes, including in the media management. In 1961, Etore of Barnabey was appointed Director General of the RAI. 5 years of his leadership marked by intensive reorganization   structures. He sought to adjust the information policy of the RAI and to reorganize with an eye to the center-left. Sought to reduce propaganda   glow, make the radio more alive. Introduced a policy of balanced programming. Ie gave the information, causing discontent and alternative. On the basis of this, a “political tribune” heading appears. In the same year 61, the second channel of the RAI opens, which allowed the use of free frequencies of the RAI for alternative broadcasting. This is the first serious attack on the state monopoly of TV. The 1962 left-center Fanfani government. Most newspapers went into opposition. In the early 60s professional issues are increasingly being discussed. Discussions in connection with the creation of the Union of Journalists in 63, the law on which was enacted 2 years later. In 64g new changes in the leadership of RAI. Some posts were received by socialists, social democrats and republicans. The era of channel separation by party pattern has begun. The CDA tried to restore influence on RAI. This struggle spilled onto the pages of print. The RAI policy was still defined by Barnabea. But the issue of real reform of RAI TV is increasingly being raised. In the 2nd half of the 60s, the intensified struggle of parties for influence on the RAI. As a result, after the next changes in the leadership, a crisis situation develops there, which spills onto the pages of the press. However, no new changes followed. In the 60s, the work of the 2nd Vatican Council became an important event. In the mid-60s, against the backdrop of the struggle of supporters and opponents of the center-left, the struggle in the sphere of the press intensifies. At the end of 1968, the Communist Party took measures to solve the problems of the party press. Created a coordinating bureau for the press. In 1966, a conference on the problems of the communist press. The press raised the issue of press freedom. The Vatican magazine wrote that the entire press or under the heel of economic or political power.

Again the press crisis. In 1965, the daily newspapers are 95, to 67-86. changes in the advertising market are not in favor of daily printing. There was strong competition. In those years, questions about the discrimination of the political distribution of advertising, the emergence of new owners in the newspaper market, and the concept of the press received a big response. The question of the influence of TV on the situation in the media world is important. For Italy, this question has not become disastrous for the print press. Many weeklies even increased their circulation. In the late 60s, in large circles there is a change of leadership. “KDS” has become softer in assessments, the leadership has changed in the “stamp”, which changes its structure and content for the better. At the end of the 60s, the political tension of the 3 leading parties - CDA, IKP, ICP - increased. The political crisis has affected RAI. There was a question about reform. The movement of the enemy, unprecedented in scale and radicalism, paralyzed the activities of the RAI


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