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31 Group Parisien, Bayard-Press, Expansion


"Parisien", "Aurduis en France"

Despite the settlement in the late 70s. social conflict in the "Paris Liber”, the newspaper continued to experience a crisis associated with the trial between the heirs of Emilien Amory, as his son Philip challenged the legality of the document presented as a testament. As a result of a lengthy legal process, Philip Amory became the owner of Parisienne Liberé share capital. A new formula was developed for a more educated audience. Distribution of the newspaper began to grow: 342 thousand copies. in 1981, 339 thousand copies. in 1985, 382 thousand copies. in 1988, 400 thousand - in 1989 From the mid-80s gt. the newspaper is printed in an offset way using a multi-color print. In 1993, the newspaper began to appear under the name "Parisien", its distribution reached 423 thousand copies, 90% of the circulation is distributed no further than 60 km from Paris. Its price has become equal to the price of regional newspapers, which are sold cheaper than Parisian ones. Concerned with the publication in 1993 of the cheap daily InfoMaten, the Parisienne editorial staff in 1994 created a special issue for distribution throughout France outside Paris called “Surdieux an France” and sells it cheaper than other national newspapers. The newspaper "Info-Mathen" was closed two years later, and "Ohurdui" continues to be published. Both issues have a tabloid format, a large number of illustrations. But, despite the great attention paid to sports, games, and sensations, they are difficult to attribute to the category of typical mass newspapers, since Parnzien and Ojurduiu contain a block of high-quality political and cultural information. In 1999, Amory purchased from Ashett Filipaki Media, a 96.5% share of the Eco Communion, which publishes the Eco Republique newspaper in Chartres. (Recall that the Lagarder’s “Ashett” group owns 25% of Fuppa Amory’s capital). In this step, Philippe Amory’s desire to make Parisien the basis of the regional group is seen, gradually buying border newspapers in relation to the Parisien distribution zone. Over the past ten years, the French national daily press has increased its distribution by only 1%, but without the "Aurduis", this figure would be downwards by 6%, according to the Amori group's directors. Bayard Press The most significant franz. a group that publishes Catholic periodicals. Printed products of this group by the end of the 80s were buying approximately 3 mil-people. the group distributed one of the most popular magazines for the elderly, Notre Than (about mil.). She publishes children's and youth publications. At the beginning of the 80s, Bayard-press published about 40 titles with a total circulation of about 40 thousand copies. The most famous evening newspaper Krua, magazines Pleren, Notre-tan, Panorama d. Oxordiun, magazines for children and youth "Pom d. Ani", "Uni" ... With the help of the youth press, Bayard Press entered the international market. She opened her first branch in Hong Kong. The group publishes both purely religious content (“Bible Territory”) and more secular publications. Book publishing houses "Centuryon", advertising agency "Rancy Promosion", two printing houses, enterprises for the delivery of books and magazines, the audiovisual sector. “Expansion” is the core of Expansion magazine created in 1967 by Jean-Louis Sevar-Shrebey. In 1988, he acquired the daily economic newspaper Tribune, as well as magazines published by the Brizio Bertec concern and a publishing house producing about 150 titles in economics. By this time, the group already owned 80 editions in economics and finance with a total circulation of 470 thousand copies (“Journal de Finance”). The Expansion group took the 1st place among the publications on this topic. The success of the group was largely due to the growing interest in economic information in the country, the increase in the number of small depositors, and unrest on the stock exchange. In 1988, the American company Dow Jones, the publishing house of the largest financial newspaper in the USA, the Wall Street Journal, became a partner of Expansion. The Expansion Group as a result of this union was able to use the huge Dow Jones information service. The quarterly magazine “From Finance” designed for the economic elite was added to the publication of the group. The purpose of the publication is to influence the economic pro-fr., The formation of financial policies. The press of this group is designed for people on whom the management of the economy and finances depends. At the beginning of the 90s, the group has economic difficulties associated with a decrease in advertising revenue. This causes the group leaders to get rid of some publications. In 91-92. sells to the group Defosse the newspaper "Azhefi" and "Tribune". In 93, the need to attract capital led to the involvement of the CEP Communicator Group. The group lost "Expansion" from the shooting range. 1775 thousand copies., "Vie Francaise" from the shooting range. 83 thousand. As a result of this transaction, the main financial group of the economic periodical press becomes the CEP Communication. CEP Communicator -de la city press. This group arose in 1988 as a result of the merger of two concerns of the CEP Communicator and the Company Generale Oksidantal branch of a powerful industrial transport. Groups Alnatel Alstom. At the same time, the capital of the CEP Communicator Group is intertwined from Havas Capital. At the beginning of the 90s, the Generale oxidantal Company acquired the most famous weekly magazine, Eskpress and Puem. In this way, the CEP included two branches: 1 journal (60 professional journals) 2 editions (15th edition). The main publications of this group - Nevel Economist, Yuzinovel, Moniter, Technology. At the end of the 80s, the group acquired a stake in the largest group in the field of construction and real estate. In the beginning of the 90s she added such magazines as “Teleco Shop”, “Electric Endustiel” to professional editions and took 1st place in French for the production of periodicals devoted to the production of information and telecommunications. She ranked 1st after Ashett in terms of book publishing. Prism-press of the German branch of the German concern Gruper und France. Appeared in the early 90s and ranked second after Ashett among Fr. magazine periodicals with a distribution of 230 mil. year The group not only bought fr. Publications, but also created new ones: “Fan aktiuel”

created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2021-03-13

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