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7. Italian journalism in transition - (1945 - 46)


The process of media formation in liberated Italy includes a number of important points. During this period, the democratization of society has become paramount to the media. The fascist union of journalists is dissolved. Stopping the broadcasting of EIAR, as well as the activities of the agency Stephen. Having replaced the fasc print of print anti-fascist port and allies, free radio could not fully meet the needs of information. It was necessary to create an information system with all its components. The development of this process in some years had its own characteristic features. 45 - 46 can be defined as transient. In 46 - 48 - the foundations of the principles of media activity were developed and legislation was adopted on the basis of them. In the 48 - 53 sys media found not only its own characteristics, but also the form of relations with political authorities.

The first transitional years are associated with the activities of organizations and the anti-fascist parties, as well as the radio and their control. At the same time, all these organizations are under the direct or indirect control of the Allies. The press desks are growing. To the anti-fascist newspapers that had previously been published, ext. In Milan, after the April uprising, as in Rome, saw the light of the Italia Libera-Democrat Party, the Social - Avanti, com - Unita, the Christ - dem - Popolo., Lib - Liberta, the republics - Populi. On April 26, 45 the new issue of Novo Career came out, this was the name of Career de la Ser. The release of this edition caused a wave of protest of the left forces. Gas appeared under a different name - Career de Information. Thus, a compromise was found, the cat opened the way for the restoration of the seal .. a year later - in 46 it began to be called Novo Career de la Ser. Another newspaper is Stampa, owned by Fiat. Knossi is against the resumption of her release, but in July she saw the light. It says that Stamepa was completely cleared of fascists, illegally held her and emphasized her independence. The publication of the newspaper caused a violent reaction of the left forces in Turin and the Allies had to stop issuing. . July 21 left Nova Stampa. So gradually saw the light of many newspapers, the output in the years of fascism. Already in April 46, Messaghero and Novo Journalna d'Itala came out in Rome. These edan began to confidently win the audit. There is a slave professional journalists. Their political position is not viewed as clearly as at the desks of publications. They expanded the audit by evening editions, which were self-newspapers - Kapr, Stampa - sulfur, Gadzetta sulfur. The leftist newspapers also tried to attract the reader. They feature traits chronicle - crime, sports inf. Renewed and special daily edition. Particularly successful - Finn - economy Roman Globo, Milan - Sole, Turin - Commerce. In 46 complicated international political situation. Churchill, in his speech at Fulton, announced the beginning of the Cold War. This was reflected in the foreign and domestic political countries, including in Italy. In the year 46, several more fateful events for Italy took place. A referendum was held on the state apparatus of the country, an election would be established by the assembly, which meant the end of the transition period


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