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28. Ashett - the largest information corporation in France


The name of the group goes back to the company established in the 20s of the 20th century. Jean-Louis-Christoph Ashettom. Then it was a book publisher. In the early 90s, the Ashett group was represented by such areas of activity as the publication of newspapers and magazines, book publishing, press distribution, and radio broadcasting. On the example of the development of the Ashett group in the 80s, one can observe a process characteristic of the French media of this period. Thus, the merging of communications with the military-industrial complex was the result of the unification of Ashett and the Matra concern, which received revenues from the sale of weapons. As a result of this merger, a qualitatively new commercial conglomerate appeared in France, uniting such areas as the production of missiles, satellites, electronic equipment and the production and dissemination of information. In 81g. Ashett Group merged with Filippaki magazine group, which becomes the head of the press sector. Filippaki publications - youth magazines (“Salju”), specialized (“Famm”, “Photo”, “Parisop”), illustrated weekly “Pari-match”. In 50g. on channel Erop1, he created programs for those who love jazz; Hi guys. The youthful audience ensured the success of the program. Zharanl "Salyu le Copen". In the wake of this success, Filippaki creates several more youth magazines, and in 76d. when distributing the shareholding of Provo, he became the owner of the Paris Match. Having entered into an agreement with Ashett, Filippaki became the owner of the overwhelming majority of newspapers, incl. and the publications of Ashett (El, Teleset, Jour, Paran, Journal de Mickey). Since then, the Ashett group has become the first multimedia group in France. The turnover has increased several times. The growth of the group during this period is largely due to its expansion abroad. In the late 1980s, almost 37% of the group’s activities accounted for the distribution of books and periodicals. Ashett kiosks are everywhere. The Ashett Internacional branch exports printed materials to many countries around the world. Since 1986 The privatization policy began to be actively pursued. 22 enterprises nationalized in 1982 were transferred during 86-87 in private hands, incl. The Matra firm, the majority shareholder of Ashett, was privatized. The composition of the main core of the shareholders included 3 European groups: Daymer Wentz, General Electric, Erickson. In 87g. Ashett put forward his candidacy as the privatization of the first program of the French TV ITF1. The Provensal group, a newspaper association in the south-east, was taken under control. Provencal owns 4 newspapers (Provasal, Suar, Var-maten, Meridional). These newspapers were distributed in 4 large departments of France. The first three supported the socialists, the fourth was the right orientation. Prior to that, Ashett owned only daily newspapers - Eco Republiken, Dernier Novell de Alzas. In addition, Ashett signed an agreement with Mond Imprimri, who built a publishing complex with the latest printing equipment. During this period, Ashett retains a dominant position in the cheap mass book market (43% of the national market). In Europe, Ashett is second only to the German concern Bertelsman. Diversification Ashett is strengthened by acquiring a package of Erop1 radio station and distributing magazines of the Kurtis company in the USA, as well as a controlling stake in US publications of the Grolie group. The strategy of the Ashett group is to concentrate on the fact that it has long been its specialization (educational literature, encyclopedias). By the end of the 80s an electronic dictionary was released. In 88, an agreement was concluded with the Walt Disney Group on the sale of the Childe Kraft Education Branch office. Ashett was forced to cede this branch, which sells toys and children's clothes, because under license, she produced the magazines Winnie, Mickey Parade, Mickey Shop, Journal de Mickey and videotapes. Accepted the controlling stake of the Diamantis Combine Incorporation. Taking the course to internationalize its activities, Ashett took control of the Spanish publishing house Savat. Ashett penetrated the market of Latin America, where the need for educational non-fiction literature promised prosperity to this sector Ashett. In addition, Ashett participated in the publication of the most common weekly television program in Spain. At the beginning of the 90s, about 30% of Ashett’s trade turnover accounted for the publishing sector, more than 30% - for periodicals (Teleset Jour), which has the largest circulation in France. By 93, it controls 9% of the regional newspaper market. In the Paris weekly press, Ashett owns 33% (Amory). In 93g. Ashett acquires shares of TV channel 5, but stops financing. The group seeks to diversify


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