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4 Structure and methods of Nazi propaganda


Like the Italian, the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (NSDAP) emerged during the crisis of the post-war years. However, the economic situation in Germany during this period was better than Italy. Soviet ideology, after the war, probably began to confuse the word "socialist", in the name of the Hitler party. Instead of the phrase "national socialism", began to use- "fascism". The Soviet and German regimes were very similar, the main difference was only that Hitler was the leader (furer) of the Germans, and Stalin was the leader of the working people. Although in the 30th of Stalin this phenomenon did not bother at all. February 24, 1920 A program consisting of 25 points was adopted. She will then be called racial theory. Racial theory is the theoretical axis of German Nazism. The goal is to "genetic improve the German race and protect it from racial confusion," which allegedly leads to the decline of the "superior race." Everywhere used by any means to implement this program in the form of persecution of the Jews.

The racial theory is based on the assumption of the existence of an “iron law” in nature, according to which the pairing of each animal should be carried out only with a representative or representative of its own species. Only such exceptional ones as life in captivity can lead to the violation of this law and racial confusion. In these cases, nature begins to avenge, using all possible means to combat such violations. Revenge of nature is expressed in the sterilization of bastards or birth control of the next generations of these bastards.
In the daily struggle for survival, the law of natural selection is implemented. In this case, the weaker perish., I.e. racially inferior creatures. This process corresponds to the "aspiration of nature", for the improvement of the breed would cease if the weak, who are always in the majority, could force out the strong, who are always in the minority. Therefore, to limit the number of weak creatures, nature provides for more severe living conditions. On the other hand, nature eliminates the possibility of indiscriminate reproduction of other creatures, exposing them to ruthless selection based on the criteria of energy and health.

Next, the fascists proceed to the application of this law of nature to the peoples. In this case, they argue about as follows. Historical experience shows that mixing Aryan blood with the blood of lower nations inevitably leads to the degeneration of the founders of civilization, lowering the level of race, followed by spiritual and physical regression. These are signs of the beginning of the "decline of the race."

According to Hitler, humanity should be divided into three races: the founders of culture, culture carriers and destroyers of culture. Only the Aryan race can be considered the founder of culture, for it "laid the foundation and erected the walls of the temple of human creations." Asian peoples. For example, the Japanese and the Chinese only adopted the Aryan culture, giving it its form. Therefore, they are carriers of culture. At the same time, the Jewish race can be attributed to the destroyers of culture. The existence of "lower people" is the main condition for creating a higher culture. The first culture of humanity was based on the use of lower races. In antiquity, for the plowed yoke, first they used to harness the losers and only later began to use animals. So the Aryans will use other races to solve their problems.

The similarity with the Italians can also be seen in the guise of the party. The NSDAP was also organized and built on a military model, relied on the armed forces.

After the attempted coup, Hitler was convicted, although it is hardly possible to call it that. The punishment was very small, but now the whole of Germany was talking about it, the Nazi Party finally turned into a Hitler movement. After liberation, Hitler wrote the book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle").

In the elections to the Reichstag 31.07.1932g. NSDAP receives 230 seats.

January 30, 1933 A coalition government headed by Adolf Hitler was formed (for this, Reich Chancellor von Schleicher had to be overthrown). In addition to Hitler, the formed office included: Wilhelm Frick - Minister of the Interior, Hermann Goering - Minister without portfolio.

Immediately after the appointment of Hitler, the Reichstag was dissolved and new elections were appointed. Since that time, except for the NSDAP, only the army and the church had at least some power, but their influence gradually decreased.

Initially, the basis of the fascist apparatus of terror was assault detachments (SA), which arose in August 1921. From year to year their numbers increased. In August 1921 - This is only a small group of people, on January 1, 1935. there are already 3 543 099 people. .

Then, after periodic cleansing of the ranks, the number of SAs decreased, but the SS, ready for the Führer's all, acquired more and more influence. The SS played a big role in the events of 06/30/1934. - The massacre of the leaders of the assault detachments, many of them were in concentration camps, which they themselves built. As a reward, Hitler singled out the SS from the CA by his Decree of July 13, 1934; the SS became Hitler’s main support.

How, how did the Nazis attract the masses? This topic seems to me the most interesting.

Frankly racist, chauvinistic, aggressive views of the Nazis were combined with the most shameless social demagogy and lies. The fascists adopted the words of Machiavelli: "To rule means to believe." It was along with violence and enslavement that propaganda, the ideological treatment of the masses, and the spiritual manipulation of people were used. The following facts attest to how much attention was paid to propaganda: over the years of Hitler’s rule over 2 thousand films were produced, thousands of novels were published, hundreds of poems were created, thousands of sculptures, monuments, etc. were created. All this glorified the power and strength, the invincibility and superiority of fascism.

"Fascism is a lie uttered by bandits." These words of E. Hemingway absolutely accurately express the essence and meaning of Nazi propaganda. Knowing the psychology of people, the fascists appealed not to reason, but to feelings, emotions. Man, they believed, is a biological being, which means that his feelings dominate the mind.

For the purpose of spiritual stupefaction of the masses, the fascists paid a lot of attention to organizing all sorts of mass gatherings: marches, demonstrations, meetings, shows, games, etc.

"The crowd was turned into a herd, the mass into a plebs. This" transformation miracle "could only be accomplished with the combination of physical terror with ideological terror, with the systematic treatment of the masses in the Nazi spirit."

"Lies and deception have always been the main tool of the Nazi leadership in the struggle for power. It was a lie and his assertion that the power passed to him the majority of voters"

For many years, terror reigned SS. September 27, 1939 The Main Imperial Security Directorate was created, which united all power units with itself. It became the Security Service of the Third Reich. Terror continued, the “People’s Court” continued to function.

Already in 1933. European countries began to talk about the fact that Hitler was preparing for war, they just didn’t know with whom. 23 August 1939 between the Soviet Union and Germany, a non-aggression pact was concluded. Two allies divided Poland in half, in the USSR occupied Brest, there was a Soviet-"fascist" military parade of winners. The two beasts lurked and prepared to attack each other. Hitler beat Stalin and June 22, 1941. without a declaration of war, invaded the territory of the USSR.

The war between the USSR and Nazi Germany was not an ordinary war. It was not a war between armies, but a struggle of several ideologies - Nazi and fascist against communist and democratic.

Having occupied most of the countries of Europe, the Nazis began to implement their monstrous plans to establish a "new order". This "order" was a brutal terrorist regime, with the help of which all national democratic institutions were destroyed in the captured countries and the civil rights of the population were eliminated. The occupied states were subjected to unprecedented robbery, and their population physically exterminated. The way the Hitlerites established their “new order” is told, for example, by the tragic history of the small Czechoslovak village of Lidice.
On the night of June 10, 1942, the Nazis broke into this village. They drove all the men and children in the village who were over 16 years old into the peasant's courtyard and shot all the landmarks. The women and children were taken away, then the mothers were sent to concentration camps, where they languished until the end of the war, and some of the children under the age of 15 were selected by the Hitlerites for "adoptions in German families, the remaining 89% of boys and girls were sent to gas chambers. not a single resident was left. The Nazis looted the houses and then set them on fire. The rest of the buildings that did not burn down were blown up. At the place where the village was, there was only ashes. The land was plowed and surrounded by barbed wire so that a wasteland would remain here forever. Anah the Nazis created a huge number of concentration camps.
These were the real factories of death. The largest of these was Auschwitz. It was built in 1939 by the German chemical concern "IG Farbenindustry" by order of the head of the SS officer Himmler. The camp was located on a vast territory and consisted of a whole system of camps: Ausvnu, Birkenau, Monowitz, Livivku and others. All the camps were surrounded by deep ditches and barbed wire, through which a high-voltage current passed. Every day, 3 to 5 trains, each with between 1,500 and 300 people, arrived at Auschwitz. In Auschwitz, people were not only shot. Here, the executioners deadened their victims with the help of the cyclone-5 poison gas. People were driven into the gas chambers. The doors of the chambers were hermetically closed, gas was fired, and people died. Death occurred in 3-5 minutes. Then the corpses were unloaded and burned in crematorium kilns. But the crematorium did not have time to destroy all the troupes - there were so many of them. Therefore, some of them were burned at the stake.
The corpses were brought up the narrow gauge railway, placed in special ditches, poured with oil and set on fire. On some days in Auschwitz, from 10 to 12 thousand people were exterminated. In their fanaticism, the Nazis reached the point where they began to crush the unburned bones of their victims and let them be sold to industrialists for processing into superphosphate. Hitler's monsters did not spare even the children. Hundreds of thousands of babies died at the hands of the fascist executioners. A former prisoner, an enemy from Vilnius, Janov Gerron, at the Nuremberg Trial, showed: "In July 1943, 164 boys were taken to Birkenau camp and returned to the hospital, where they were all killed by injections in the heart of carboxylic acid."
The former prisoner Bacache Veldroute showed: "In 19443, while we were enclosing crematorium No. 5, I saw a lot of SS men throwing live children into the burning fires." In Auschwitz, fascist doctors conducted "medical" experiments on living people. A special medical forensic commission found that the Hitlerites sterilized women by irradiation, followed by ovarian seizures. In humans, the effects of various chemicals were tested. Millions of people brought to Auschwitz have been robbed. All things, up to pastel linen, were selected, processed and sent to Germany. It came to the point that before the extermination of women their hair was cut off. The emergency commission found 293 bales with 7,000 kilograms of female hair in the camp.
The huge death camp the Nazis created in Majdanek, near Lublin. Even the Hitlerites themselves called it “fernichtungslager”, i.e. extermination camp. Thousands of prisoners from various European countries were kept in 144 drums here. The bloody history of this camp began with a mass execution of Soviet prisoners of war in November-December 1941. Of the 2,000 servicemen brought to Majdanek at this time, only 80 remained alive - the rest were shot and tortured. But the remaining 80 people were subsequently exterminated. In the winter of 1942, the SS men sank about 5,000 Soviet prisoners of war. All of them were taken in batches to the quarry and shot there. In the summer of 1943, 300 captured Soviet officers were taken to Majdanek, they were also shot. In Majdanek, as in Auschwitz, they were seen exterminated with Cyclone-5 gas. Already in the beginning of 1942, two furnaces were built for burning the corpses. But there were so many victims that by the autumn of 1943, the nazis had built a powerful crematorium of 5 furnaces.

There were special camps, where special courses were organized on the burning of corpses, which involved 12 people. the teachers of the courses told how to properly burn the corpses, explaining how the machines are arranged for breaking the bones. They explained how to level the pit, sift and plant trees in the place where the bodies were burned, how to scatter and hide the ashes. Such courses operated for a long time. To carry out the vile reprisals against the Soviet people, the German command created in the composition of the troops special military-police units, various sounder commanders, to which the most notorious scoundrels and murderers were enrolled. So, during the offensive on Moscow, the Nazis formed with a special Sonder command "Moscow". She was given the task of carrying out the massacres of Muscovites in order to master the Soviet capital. The Nazis killed 500 people every day.
Captured in captivity, mostly wounded, Red Army soldiers were subjected to brutal torture, torture and murder by the German military command. Prisoners of Red Army soldiers tortured with a hot iron, punctured their eyes, cut off their legs, hands, ears, noses, chopped off fingers, ripped off their bellies, tied to tanks and torn to pieces. Among the soldiers and officers of the Hitler army, looting flourished. With the onset of winter cold, it began to take a massive character.
Hitler's soldiers not only stripped off warm clothes and shoes from killed Soviet soldiers, but also took off their boots, boots, sweatshirt socks, padded jackets with earflaps from wounded soldiers, stripping them naked and pulling on everything, including warm women’s things, taken from the wounded and killed nurses.

Red Army prisoners were starved, leaving food for weeks or giving out insignificant portions of rotten bread or rotten potatoes. Not giving the Soviet prisoners of war food, the Nazis forced them to rummage in the garbage cans and search for remains of food thrown away by German soldiers or threw dead horses to them. The massacre of Soviet prisoners of war screaming for its medieval cruelty occurred in the small Hungarian village of Verebe. The fascists occupied the village, captured the inhabitants, brought them to the forge and began to torture - they torn their nails with ticks, broke their ribs, burned them with hot iron. And then alternately they dragged to the anvil, laid the head of their victim on it and smashed the skull with a sledgehammer.

The fascist German invaders occupy a special place in the long chain of crimes: the use of Soviet people in forced labor and hijacking to Germany for slave-serf labor. The monstrous plan for the revival of slavery was carried out by the Nazis with exceptional cruelty throughout the occupied territory. Carrying out their inhuman slavery program, the Hitlerite invaders established for the Soviet people a regime of forced labor, servitude, accompanied by harassment and torture. To implement the monstrous slave-owning program, a huge bureaucratic apparatus was created. On the Soviet land seized by the Nazis, there was literally not a single city, not a single settlement, from which the fascist German thieves wouldn’t enslave a large part of the population that in some large cities tens of thousands of men, women, teenagers, and children.
From month to month, the fascist German authorities covered with their coercive "recruitment" all new categories of people and at some points, especially during the retreat, they took with them to send to the deep German rear all the people who were able to move. If the early agents of the Hitlerite slave traders sought to select only the physically most healthy and resilient, mostly from 15 to 45 years old, then over time even the sick and the disabled began to be sent, and the age of the enslaved people fluctuated between 12 and 60 years.
With the inherent cruelty of the Nazis, they smashed the family when they were taken into slavery, separated parents and children, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters. Entire cities and districts became deserted as a result of the systematic extermination of the Soviet people, the hijacking of their fascist slavery. By driving Soviet people into German captivity, the Hitlerite satraps inflicted bloody repression on citizens who were trying to escape from the slave traders who were hunting them. For hundreds of thousands of people hijacked to Germany, the Hitlerites established inhuman conditions of forced labor, such as in the worst times of slavery.
People were deprived of the name, they were called by numbers.Representatives of eastern nations received special identification signs indicating their nationality. For the Soviet people, the regime was hungry. The Nazis organized the purchase and sale of slaves of the Soviet people. For a small fee not exceeding 10-15 marks per person, every German could get a slave. In Germany, slave markets were established.

In their fierce hatred of the Soviet people and their culture, the German invaders destroyed works of culture and art, historical and cultural monuments, icons and hospitals, clubs and theaters. The destruction and desecration of monuments and cultural institutions on Soviet territory was an integral part of the monstrous plan aimed at eliminating Russian national culture and the culture of the peoples of the USSR. (Figure 61). The Nazis looted and ravaged the Pushkin estate in the Mikhailovsky, burned down the Pushkin house-museum in the village of Polotnyany plant. In Kaluga, they destroyed the exhibits of the house - the museum in which the famous Russian scientist K.E. lived and worked. Tsiolkovsky. According to the portraits of Tsiolkovsky, the Nazi vandals fired. The most valuable models of airships and instruments were broken. In one of the rooms of the museum was arranged chicken coop.With the same frenzy, the Nazis smashed cultural treasures and historical monuments in Ukraine, Belarus, everywhere their foot went. The occupants destroyed the Belarusian Academy of Sciences with a rare collection of historical documents and books stored in it, destroyed hundreds of schools, clubs, theaters.

In an effort to establish throughout the whole of Europe its "new order", the government of fascist Germany, with the support of Italy, had in its hands a strong terrorist machine. Mass arrests, torture, executions — all this was accompanied by the victorious march of fascists across Europe. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the main fascist criminals were brought to justice by the International Military Tribunal. The sentence found that aggressive war is a criminal act, and the perpetrators of the outbreak and conduct of war are subject to criminal liability.

От национализма и патриотизма, нацизм отличается ненавистью к другим народам, стремлением к расовому величию, и уничтожению неугодных народов. Фашизм и нацизм, разные явления, но их объединяет гнусное стадное чувство, которое заставляло немцев и итальянцев маршировать на парадах, а потом дружно жечь польские и советские села.

In a strict sense, fascism is an Italian phenomenon. This word has a Latin origin from the word fascu, so-called bunches of rods with the hatchets inserted in them, which were worn by bodyguards of the Roman figures. The facies were used by bodyguards to disperse the crowd. Later they became a symbol of the power and might of Rome. The use of this word is typical for Italy in general. For a long time after the fall of the Roman Empire, Roman traditions were preserved in Italy, where papal Rome considered itself the successor of Imperial Rome. This imperial chauvinistic cult of Italian identity never died in Italy, so it became a blessing. the ground for the birth of fascism. Fascism in Italy arose from the 1st world. War, out of deep disappointment with its result. The victory of democracy brought the promised benefitson the contrary, a crisis broke out and a reaction began against such a democracy. By the 20th year in Italy, there were 150 thousand unemployed, and by the 22nd 470 thousand. The strongest blow was inflicted on the financial system, the gold reserves were practically exhausted during the war. All this was fertile ground for the adoption of totalitarianism in Italy. The psychological basis for the growth of pre-fascism and fascism has become “flight” from freedom. Having lost the neighborhood chain, people needed to replace the community and they found such a replacement in a militarized organization.The psychological basis for the growth of pre-fascism and fascism has become “flight” from freedom. Having lost the neighborhood chain, people needed to replace the community and they found such a replacement in a militarized organization.The psychological basis for the growth of pre-fascism and fascism has become “flight” from freedom. Having lost the neighborhood chain, people needed to replace the community and they found such a replacement in a militarized organization.

At this time, the political forces of Italy were divided as follows: on the left flank there was a socialist party. In 1921 soc. Radicals finally took shape as the Communist Party. To the right was the people's party, it was focused on the peasants. Liberal and Nazi parties spoke with chauvinistic slogans. The slogans of the Nazis and the Communists vied with each other. In 1919, a new political system emerged that did not recognize the rules of party groups, relying on military discipline and rampant demagogy. These were the famous Faschi di Combattimento "Italian Union of War", that is, the fascist. battle groups.


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