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35. Characteristics of the daily newspapers "Cotidien de Paris", "Parisien"


Cotidien de Paris , founded in 1974 by Philippe Tesson. She had a small audience that appreciated the depth and originality of the analytical chronicles and culture reviews. Her first circulation is 20 thousand copies, when the Matin appeared in 77 g in Paris, then the affairs of Cotidien deteriorate sharply and in the middle of 78 g it temporarily stops production, in 79 it appears again in the same tabloid format. By the beginning of 80 T. It is possible to create a group of press, the cat included Cotidien de Paris, Cotidien de Medsen, and the magazine Nouvelle Peter the Great. The financial balance of the newspaper is only at the expense of other publications of the group. She increased the spread in the province, managed to take advantage of changes in the country's policy. However, economic difficulties once again forced the newspaper to stop output. At 95 she returned again, remains a quality newspaper.

"Parisien". The first Parisien Libire (until 1986), the issue was released in August '44, it was created by Emilien Amouri and Claude Belanger. Around the newspaper manages to create a press group. The submarine was a mass newspaper, in the middle of 50 it came out on the first place in circulation, and held it for 20 years. The submarine became the regional edition of the Ile de France department. It will reduce its distribution on a national scale and a series of issues, containing local information. The ascent of the submarine was interrupted by a protracted social conflict in the editorial and printing house, when A. tried to crank the modernization. Only through enormous efforts, A. managed to renew in 86 g part of the old provincial editions., But the circulation of newspapers almost halved. In 77 A. die and the newspaper gets into a new conflict. All this leads to the fact that the submarine has lost its position. The entire share capital of Access San Amuri is Philip. A new form of newspaper was developed - info was now subjected to strict hierarchization. The newspaper had a new audience, a more educated one, and it began to approach the form of quality newspapers. Distribution of newspapers began to grow and in the year 89 reached 40 thousand. But almost 90% of the gas was sold no more than 60 km from Paris. At 93, in order to be distributed in the provinces, it was about a new edition of Aujordui, but since December 96 the edition had to raise the initial price and on P and O. having a wide audience, it was devoted a lot of space to illustrations held high quality political and cultural information


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