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Preparing for the interview. Interview Technology


Preparing for an interview is a mandatory element of interviewing, regardless of the type of conversation, its content and duration. Preparation consists of the following types of work that are inseparably connected and inseparable in practice:

- general preparation

- specific preparation

- psychological preparation

General training

It consists of a general ideological and intellectual training of a journalist, generally professional, including in-depth study of a particular field of knowledge and specialization of a journalist (activity). An interview is a question-based method of searching for knowledge. Correctly asking questions requires, above all, the truth of their premises, and this is primarily ensured by the author’s initial positions, his worldview. In every interview, there is a process of perception and evaluation by the interlocutors of each other. Psychologists have established that the perceiving subject makes conclusions about the knowability of the individual based on their own experience, existing knowledge, which is why the intellectual development of the interviewer, his accumulation of diverse knowledge in the most diverse areas of human culture is a professional requirement.

Concrete preparation for the interview

The specific preparation for the interview consists of the following points:

determining the purpose of the interview and the nature of the information required

study of the subject of the interview and the interlocutor

preliminary thinking about the conversation, composing questions

meeting arrangement, location, time of interview

An interview in a journalist can be used to obtain any information - both actual, up to reference, and subjective facts of human consciousness - opinions. Any kind of ratings.

When deciding on the choice of method, you should think about what information is needed. How can they be obtained, whether in this case the interview is the fastest and, most importantly, reliable way of obtaining them. Shumilova asserts (and I agree with her) that the stage of defining the goal (depending on the problem, theme, genre and a number of other characteristics) is always present, but it can come down, and here the interviewer is required even more acute intuition, insight to determine what information he needs, how to build a conversation, in which direction to lead it.


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Terms: Journalism