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10. Egon Erwin Kish - Publicist


KISH Egon Erwin (Kisch, Egon Erwin; 1885, Prague, - 1948, ibid.), German writer and publicist. The son of a cloth merchant who published his poems (in German) under the pseudonym Külborn. In 1902 he graduated from a real school. From 1904, he was an employee of the Prager Taggeblat and Bohemia newspapers, and since 1913, Berliner Taggeblat. He participated in the First World War in the rank of junior officer of the Austro-Hungarian army. In 1918, Kish became one of the leaders of illegal soldiers' committees, the commander of the Red Guard in Vienna, and joined the Austrian Communist Party. In 1921–33 lived in Berlin. From 1925 to 1931, he repeatedly traveled to the Soviet Union, in 1928–29. under a false name traveled in the United States. In 1933, he was arrested by the Nazis and sent as a foreign national to Czechoslovakia. In 1934, having not received permission to enter Australia to participate in the anti-fascist congress, jumped from the ship, was detained, sentenced to six months in prison and expelled from the country. In 1937–38 He was a fighter of the International Brigades in Spain, in 1940–46. in Mexico, collaborated in the magazine "Fries Deutschland". In 1946 he returned to Prague, where he was elected honorary chairman of the city’s Jewish community. At the beginning of literary activity, he joined the group of German Jewish writers (the so-called Prague circle: M. Brod, E. Weiss, 1882–1940; L. Winder, 1889–1946; F. Kafka, etc.), who conveyed the atmosphere in their works the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Kish imparted the character of artistic journalism to a secondary genre of newspaper reporting by creating a new type of essay-essay (mainly on political topics: collections Kings, Priests, Bolsheviks, 1927; American Paradise, 1930; Asia has fundamentally changed; 1932 ; "Landing in Australia", 1937, and others.). In 1923, Kish compiled the classic journalism anthology. In articles and in the book Furious Reporter (1924), and especially in the autobiographical sensational fair (1942), Kish outlined his thoughts about the aesthetic and moral responsibility of a journalist and about the reportage “as an art form and struggle”. Kish dedicated the past of the Jews of Prague to the collection “Stories of the Seven Ghettos” (1934; Russian translation 1937), and in the essay “Indian Village Under the Star of David” (collection “Discoveries in Mexico”, 1945) told about a group of so-called Indian Jews he found who consider themselves descendants of marran. .The development of Italian broadcasting in 1940

Broadcasting was in a difficult situation. Radio stations "Palermo", "Cagliari", "Radio Rome" and so on. After the resignation of Mussolini, Italy's state radio EIA in Rome was occupied by German occupiers and was under their control until liberation. In July, 44 g in Rome, the Allied authorities established a broadcasting commission, as a result of which the name EIA was changed to RAI, which is valid to this day. In order for the new national broadcasting to become a valid network, technical and political difficulties had to be overcome. In the first postwar period, the issue of broadcasting as a means of influence is relevant. After the April uprising of 45 years, radio stations in the north of Italy remain under the control of the Knut, and the center and south are under the control of the RAI Council. Despite the actual restoration of RAI unity in December of the 45th, the situation remains grave: the majority of studio equipment has been destroyed / damaged, the radio installations of Americans are weak and unreliable. Until September 43, the network is IT. radio broadcast. Sost of 35 medium wave transmissions, by the time of release-12. it was necessary to eliminate the damage, to connect the antennas into a single network in order to provide the country with at least one national broadcasting program. It was important to determine the status of RAI. It was completely dependent on the state and was taken a course to centralize broadcasting. Staff RAI remained almost unchanged after cleaning.

April 3, 1947 Mr. Decree, which determined the standards for monitoring the current broadcasting, which was placed under the control of the Ministry of Posts in technical, financial and administrative terms. The decree ordered the creation of a parliamentary commission that would control the objectivity and independence of information. Representatives from all parliamentary groups were expected to enter, but the executive branch began to play a significant role.


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