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8. Italian journalism in 1946 - 48


In 46 complicated international political situation. Churchill, in his speech at Fulton, announced the beginning of the Cold War. This was reflected in the foreign and domestic political countries, including in Italy. In the year 46, several more fateful events for Italy took place. A referendum was held on the state apparatus of the country, an election would be established by the assembly, which meant the end of the transition period. In the course of the election campaign, in addition to the desks of newspapers, almost all publications took certain positions. Among the major newspapers in favor of the monarchy were - Turin - Novo Stampa, Roman - Tempo, Risogmento Libiral, Neapolitan - Journal. Symptotized by Republicans - Messaghero. Resorcimento. In Milan, where the output of 17 newspapers was prorespubl, in addition to the 4 left-wing newspapers (Unity, Avanti, Milano - Sulfur, Italia Libiro), was supported by Popolo xp - Democrats.

The victory of the republican forces in the referendum and the result of the elections will establish a meeting with the one hand, that the democrat forces still had a strong influence, but a new leader appeared on the political arena - the CDP - the christ - the democrat party. The CDA has headed for breaking the antifascism of unity and the establishment of its statehood. In 47, a one-party government was created under the hands of De Gaspori. This had consequences in the media. Establishment of SOBR should have developed a media law. The first act was a decree in 47, which determined the norms of monitoring and control over broadcasting. It was a post under the direct control of the mines of mail f tech, Finn and admin plan. Article 21, 47, relates to the issue of press freedom. The text was perceived ambiguously and caused controversy. At 48, the law saw its light in a severely curtailed form because of the election in the year 48. Of the original 39 articles, 23 remained. Pts dropped out a lot of questions, remained unclear. This law for a long time became the basis of legislation on the press.

An important beginning was the activity of professional organizations. The Association of the Italian periodical press, appeared back in 1877. In her status, there are 3 categories of journalists - acting, those who are busy, only journal activities; publicists, soc journal with other professions; authors, periodically public in print.


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