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21. Formation of the TV empire of S. Berlusconi in the 70-80s. Hhv.


Entrepreneurial activity of S. Berlusconi began with Telemilano. She had to provide 10 thousand. residents of Milano 2, i.e. quarter-satellite for wealthy Italians. For this, Berlusconi ordered a powerful antenna from Siemens, which allowed receiving signals to be distributed via Milano2 cable. The channel provided residents with two news releases and films. However, cable TV is not widely developed. Private capital was more interested in broadcasting. In April, 75g. a law was adopted on the reform of the RAI, which confirmed the state monopoly on national television and radio broadcasting and signed the principle of pluralism in information activities. This law legitimized the principle of party leadership over these structures. It was called Lotizocioni, i.e. distribution of leadership positions is not in accordance with the professional qualities, and party affiliation.

The first period of the existence of commercial TV is mainly associated with the active work of large publishers. In 78g. Berlusconi intensified his activities, transforming Telemilano into an ether station. In 79g. He bought about 300 Italian films from the kinofirmy Titanus, made in the last 40 years. By this time, he had 5 television stations that formed Channel-5 and were broadcasting in the North, and 5 television stations in RETA-10 that broadcast in the South. In addition, he indirectly controlled the consortium, through which he supplied the local television stations with packages of films already equipped with commercials. He owned the shares of the Journal. He tried to create a television network in which, along with his own stations, numerous local stations would be involved, dependent on him directly or indirectly. To this end, the financial company Kofint, the advertising concession company Rubritalia, was established, which became a kind of engine for its Fininvest group. Berlusconi focused on the image of his publication, luring away the leading presenters from the RAI. His success in telebusiness attracted the attention of American companies and Berlusconi managed to buy about 500 American films. He could not yet compete with RAI, especially in information programs. He lacked a live broadcast, but then, one hundred, he sought to reach the level of national broadcasting harboring a threat to state-owned TV. And maybe this explains the imperative requirement of full-scale reform of the RAI.

November 11, 1980 became the official date of birth of Channel5 Berlusconi, as a national network. The business card is the show of the American Dallos series, which contributed not only to the growth of the audience, but also to the popularity of the channel in general. Berlusconi is also setting up production of his own programs, creating the Video Timegroup. At that time, no television network could compete with Channel-5, which, in addition to Videotime, included a financial company, a program purchasing department, an advertising agency, and technical services. In addition to Berlusconi acts and Rusconi. His television network Italy-1 could become a real competitor to Channel-5. In the summer of 82g. Rusconi, for financial reasons, sells its Berlusconi television network. The result is that a third of the television audience is at the mercy of Uerlusconi. The Mondadori publishing house in response razoruchivaet anti-Berlusconi company. But the struggle of Rete and Berlusconi does not bring her success in 84g. it becomes the property of Berlusconi. Berlusconi supplemented his TV set with a package of the most popular TV program magazine Sorizi e Conzoni. The approval of Berlusconi as the leader of commercial TV activates discussions in parliament about the need to adopt a new law that would regulate the activities of the entire television sector. Against the background of these discussions in 84g. a scandal broke out, which caused the decision of the judges of Turin, Rome to seal the repeater of Berlusconi TV station. The judge's decision was based on the fact that the conduct of broadcasts by Berlusconi networks on a national scale contradicts the decisions of the constitutional court on the local broadcasting of commercial TV. The government hastily adopted a decree lifting the ban on judges. Another decree officially recognized the existence of state-run TV (RAI), national private networks, and local television stations.

At this time, Berlusconi was thoroughly inculcated in Europe. He buys a controlling stake in Jornale, and is fighting for the publication of Mondadori. But the main thing is that his 3 TV channels in the second half of the 70s became a real competitor of the RAI, despite the fact that Berlusconi does not give the right to live broadcast. The success of Berlusconi is explained by several reasons: the support of certain political circles. Played its role and carefully thought out strategy for the development of the television network and its provision. Channel 5 managed to overcome the barrier of perception of commercial TV only as local. Berlusconi is developing his model by using the American model, where TV is the link between the industrial system and the consumer market. This explains the fact that B. equipped his commercial enterprise with his own national advertising company Pubitalia, and only then increased the number of channels to 3x. B. made a bid for 2 main components: the public, advertising, programs, taking into account the Italian specifics.


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