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Information report. Report language and style


An information report is a detailed informational message about an event in the sphere of the surrounding reality (conferences, meetings, symposia, seminars, meetings, etc.), i.e. about the event, which is a great exchange of information. The report should present the main topics, statements and ideas of reports, speeches, speeches of persons participating in the discussion. The details are the individual remarks, the reactions of the listeners to the performance (applause, discussion, etc.). The report is characterized by extreme documentality and closeness to the words of the speakers, as well as a certain dryness of the syllable. One of the main requirements for the author of the report is the accuracy of the transfer of the essence of the statements of the speakers. A journalist can use direct speech, quotations, indirect speech, and based on information obtained from the report, write a text.

Types of report. Direct information report - reproduces the event in chronological order. The journalist reflects in detail what is happening, without commenting on anything. However, his position may be expressed in focusing on certain details, for example, the reports of some individuals may be more detailed. Analytical report - telling about the event, the journalist reports the details with some comments. To this end, he has the right to involve additional information, facts, figures, opinions, isolating the most pressing problems raised in the presentations of the narrators. Thematic report - violates the chronological order of the event, the author selects reports related to one or two topics, problems, refuses side details and pays attention to the speeches of people who have touched on the topic chosen by him.

The genre of the information report is one of the frequently used by news agencies. The report is a detailed, detailed report on a specific event - a conference, meeting, symposium, seminar, meeting, etc. In the information report, the author’s goal is to provide an accurate (albeit without details and comments) presentation of what he saw and heard.

In the genre of the report, a report was compiled by RIA Novosti from October 8, 2001–20: 23:



In the course of a detailed half-hour conversation, the presidents of Russia and France discussed specific issues of Russian-French cooperation in the antiterrorist sphere ...

Vladimir Putin and Jacques Chirac exchanged views on various aspects of international participation in the antiterrorist operation in Afghanistan ...

Both sides reaffirmed support for this particular action aimed at the destruction of hotbeds of terrorism, and for the world’s further struggle against international terror, which poses a threat to all states without exception ...

The report has features in common with a note devoted to an informational event or to expressing an opinion on an issue. In controversial cases, the boundary between these genres should be drawn from the multiplicity of topics or opinions reflected in the material. If the topic is one or one opinion, the message is closer to the note; if there are several - to report.

Thus, the ITAR-TASS report of July 13, 2001, “Putin familiarized himself with the sketches for the monument to Sobchak of the sculptor Shemyakin” is entitled as a note, and in fact represents a report of the conversation, since it touches on several topics related to the sculptor’s professional and public activities.


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Terms: Journalism