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18. Italian journalism and terrorism at the end of 60 early 70


70 have become a time trial of terrorism. Italy at this time literally turned into a testing ground for neo-fascist groups, anarchists. At 70, the infamous red brigades operated. A tragic lesson and shock for Italy is the abduction and murder of the leader of the CDA, Alde Moro. This event made us think about the role of the media in covering the activities of terrorist groups. The question of whether to negotiate with the Red Brigades and whether to publish their demands in the press brought a split not only in the party, but also in the press. Almost all newspapers were in favor of refusing to negotiate with terrorists. The opposite position was taken by the socialist Avanti and several other publications. There was a fierce controversy in the party press. The tragic end of the story with Alde Moro testified that this problem remained one of the most difficult. Similar problems arose at the end of the 60th year. When Judge D'Ussot was abducted. The Red Brigades demanded publication of their demands. With this requirement agreed Messajero, Sekollo19, Avanti, Lot Continoa. The sensation was an interview with the head of the Red Brigades, published on the pages of Espresso. Director Journal announced its readiness to publish the demands of the terrorists, but after the judge’s release. Career affairs Sera called on the seal to complete silence. The final is linked to Alde Moro. There was a question about the relationship of the press with the judicial authorities. The 80s were less tense, the fight against terrorism began to wane.


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