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Psychological training


Psychological preparation is carried out both in general and in concrete preparation for the interview. Journalistic work requires a good memory, attention. Observation, imagination, impressionability, perseverance, curiosity of the interview

In any interview, the process of perception and evaluation by the interlocutors of each other takes place, it begins at the time of the first contact of the interviewer and the interlocutor and acts throughout the entire conversation. In this process there are patterns, the knowledge of which makes it possible to control it: two of which are stereotyping, a generalization.

Also during the training, the journalist begins to form an opinion about the person with whom he is to talk: about the soc. the group to which he belongs, about his character, about the possible attitude to the conversation. However, all this should not interfere with the objectivity of the perception of the journalist. Any prejudice prevents the acquisition of reliable knowledge. To prejudice and stereotype do not interfere with perception, the journalist must adjust himself to the fact that reality may not be like the idea he created during the preparation of the interview. The final result of the interview largely depends on the relationship between the participants in the conversation. In this connection, already during the preparation period, the interviewer should consider how willingly the interviewee will cooperate with him. It is also necessary for a journalist to estimate whether there will be questions or questions that will cause irritation, embarrassment of the interviewee, or maybe some other reactions that are unfavorable for the psychological atmosphere of the conversation. Without the ability to psychologically adjust (and the interview has a great internal tension), to mobilize, you can not do in the art of interviewing.


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Terms: Journalism