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15. The characteristics of the weekly “Espresso” and the daily newspaper “Jordno” as new phenomena in Italian journalism in the second half of 1950


The initiative to publish the weekly espresso belonged to a group of journalists led by Sarino Benedetti. They have left-liberal views. Financially weekly supported industrialists. 1st number-autumn 55g. Newspaper format on 16 pages. Expressed the opinion of the radical party. Drew attention to the political investigative materials. In December, in the "E" -o exposure of corruption in the sale of real estate in Rome. As a result, in March 58g a law was adopted in which the responsibility of the director was separated from the activities of the author of the publication. The investigative nature of journalism "E" will determine its special place in Italian journalism. In the middle of the 50s, another 1 significant edition. In April 56 - the daily newspaper "Jorno" . In many ways, its appearance is due to the struggle of the highest echelons of economic power. "D" differed from traditional publications in form and content. Pages-8 columns. 1st strip-cap on 7 columns, organizing the entire layout. The daily “situation” rubric, short and relevant, replaced the front line. Facts with separation from comments. The first page is a “showcase” of the most important messages. On the inner lanes, a clear division of materials by topic. The newspaper had an illustrated entertainment application and evening edition. In political terms, to the left of the leading press. The novelty “d” was celebrated abroad, the Times called “d” an important step in the history of the Italian press, because it is the first newspaper to break with the traditional scheme. First in Milan, high circulation "d". but many readers did not accept the new form of the newspaper. First, they refused from the evening issue, then gave the opportunity to the emergence of new shareholders. So the newspaper was influenced by ENI. As a result, its editor in chief has changed. Instead of Valdini, he became Pietro. He led talented well-known journalists and writers. The section on culture has increased, the number of inserts has increased. hence begins the process of monolizing the daily newspapers. The newspaper has increased circulation, improving the form and content. Another 1O innovation "D" -specialized economic zone


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