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3 Structure and methods of Italian fascist propaganda


Propaganda as one of the functions of the media originated simultaneously with journalism. In order for ideology to exist, the support of the masses is necessary. Public opinion in capable hands is a great power, it can be changed or manipulated. Having learned how to manage 10 people, you can safely move on to mil. Quantity will no longer matter. Political information has always carried propaganda to the ideology. Information becomes propaganda if a person publishes it pursues a goal; in turn, receiving information a person serves as an object of control. At the same time, in propaganda, the impact is important not only for the content of information to become a subject of reflection, but also for it to affect feelings, so that it becomes an impetus for new actions. Propaganda cannot exist without ideas, nor can ideology exist without propaganda. The main element of the propaganda. The process is: 1. subject, 2. object (aud-i on the cat-th address. Prop.) The content of propaganda and the choice of forms, means, methods is determined by the social interests of the subject. One of the basic categories of propaganda is psychology of influence. An attempt to use psychology in propaganda was made at the beginning of the 20th century. The greatest attention of experts in this field was attracted to studies that were conducted in the United States, Germany and the USSR. Significant development in the research in the field of psychology of propaganda was received during the 2nd world. The content of propaganda was subjected to thorough analysis. The goals of this research were the massive manipulation of human consciousness. In a society developed according to the laws of democracy, logical conviction effectively operates, under conditions of monarchy, tyranny, and dictatorship of the people are more susceptible to suggestion. Traditional commercial advertising and propaganda have a lot in common. Goebbels had a reference book PR theory book. Propaganda is often based on the same laws regulating the personality, like other types of advertising communications. In particular, information is presented to the consumer so that he not only knows what is happening in the world, but also wants to convey this information. Propaganda can carry sensational elements and stimulate the social orientation of the individual. In this case, the person gets the opportunity to feel informed, well-informed, an expert in a particular area. Such tactics are most effective in those countries where many people are constantly reading the newspaper and proud to be in the know of political events. In this case, various sources of information (newspapers, magazines, radio, television programs) are created for different sectors of society, which are trusted to refer to their opinion. Appear popular presenters, commentators, ie. trendsetters to submit information. There may be fashion and content information. In general, propaganda is divided into white, black and gray. With white propaganda, its sources can be established with greater precision and information is more or less true. For gray propaganda, sources cannot be accurately determined, and the accuracy of the information is above the question. Black propaganda uses a false source, spreads lies. The means of propaganda can vary from the usual tendentious information to outright lies, but the goal is always defined in favor of the propagandist. Any advertising activity and propaganda generally faces competition that is limited by legislation. In the context of a psychological war, the goals and objectives of propaganda change, it becomes little like advertising, and turns into a means of psychological destruction of the enemy. Propag. shares are calculated to influence the base feelings of people. To arouse hatred, fear ... In the practice of propaganda there were certain principles of waging psychological warfare, which belongs to black propaganda. Hence the term black PR. A special page of the development of the theory of propaganda and the improvement of its methods was Italian fascism and German Nazism. The word "fascism" is traditionally associated with Germany, 1933-1945. This is due to the post-war Soviet tradition of linking the history of the regimes of Hitler and Mussolini as a single force, which is the reaction of the big bourgeoisie to the spread of communist ideology. Meanwhile, in the 30s, there was less common between these regimes than between the Soviet and German regimes, which, by the way, was also recognized by Hitler. On the other hand, Italian fascism became the first experience of the power of a “new type of party” of a non-communist orientation, and in this sense really was the predecessor of Nazism. Therefore, fascism in the strict sense of the word is above all an Italian phenomenon. The word is of Latin origin: fascii - tightly tied bundles of rods with hatchets inserted in them, which were worn by bodyguards of Roman officials - lictors. Initially, lictors performed police functions - fascia were used to disperse the crowd, later it became a tradition - lictors with fascia became a symbol of power and the power of Rome. In 1919 - as a result of the defeat of Italy in World War I, political oblivion among the European powers and the strongest economic crisis - a new political force appeared, not iznavavaya rules of the parliamentary game, based on weapons, military discipline and rampant demagoguery. These were the Faschi di Kombattimento - battle groups. Designed as local organizations, in order to emphasize the connection with the local population and regional problems that did not initially have a single formal center, they were united by the figure of a charismatic leader, Benito Mussolini, the Duce, the Great.
Propaganda and armed struggle against the socialists, who were declared the main enemies of Italy, became the main activity of the fascia. Fashes published their own newspaper, which was, of course, "a collective propagandist, agitator and organizer" - "Popolo d'Italia" - "Italian People". The ideology that the newspaper promoted was not something coherent and thoughtful and was intended for the masses. It boiled down to the following: First, the greatness of Italy was widely promoted, directing the masses towards rather senseless, but catchy goals, such as restoring the Roman Empire and transforming the Mediterranean Sea into “mare nostrum” - “our sea”. At the same time, the fascists declared that this could be achieved only by a war with former allies on the Entente, who "spoiled" Italy's victory in the First World War. Greece, Albania, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovens — protestors of the Entente threatening Italy — were declared the closest enemies. Secondly, the hatred of former allies was due to the decay of democracy in these countries. The "rotten" democratic system was despised and had to be destroyed in Italy. At the same time, the fascias, which quickly formed a completely legal fascist party, did not disdain to participate in the "rotten" parliamentary elections. The formal program requirements of the fascists in these elections were: the establishment of a republic, elections to the Constituent Assembly and the confiscation of "unproductive capital." Thirdly, the hatred of the "red" was particularly emphasized, in which the fascists saw dangerous political rivals. Mussolini proclaimed himself as a national alternative to communism.
In 1921, the government attempted to resolve the situation in the country by signing a “pact of pacification” with the leaders of the fascists and communists. But, of course, the pact was not respected. The more desperate the economic situation became, the sooner the old democratic parties lost their prestige, the stronger the fascists became. On October 17, 1922, the head of the army security service wrote: "Mussolini is so confident of victory and that he is the master of the situation that he even foresees the first steps of his government. It seems that he intends to carry out a coup from November 4 to 11."
The officer made a mistake. The coup took place on October 28: the government of Luigi Fakta was dismissed, and Benito Mussolini was appointed prime minister. In December 1922, the Great Fascist Council was formed, which assumed many functions of state power. It included fascist ministers and party leadership. He was appointed personally by Mussolini, who became his permanent chairman. Another act of political restructuring was the royal edict, which legitimized the Voluntary National Security Police along with the police; Mussolini thus received a completely legal personal guard, all ready for the Duce.

Fascism, which arose in Italy, spread with lightning speed throughout the world. In nebylo no country not covered by the "fascist" movement: Germany - Hitler; in France there were a number of fascist organizations not united into a single party, such as: "Francista", "Zhenes Patriots", "The Cross of Fire", etc.; in England, fascism was represented by two organizations: the British Fascist Imperial League and the British Fascist Union. Fascist organizations also existed in Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Poland, Ireland, Switzerland, and South America. . In Spain, F. Franco, in Portugal - A. Salazar - created more "soft" forms of the fascist states.


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