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Wheel (graph theory)


Wheel graph examples
  Wheel (graph theory)



2 ( n - 1)


2 when n> 4
1 when n = 4



Chromatic number

3 for odd n , 4 for even n




W n

In graph theory, the wheel W n is a graph with n vertices (n ≥ 4), formed by connecting a single vertex with all vertices of the ( n -1) -cycle. The numerical designation of wheels in the literature is not well established - some authors use n to denote the length of the cycle, so their W n means the graph W n + 1 by definition above. [1] The wheel can also be defined as a 1-skeleton [en] ( n -1) -pound pyramid.

Presentation in the form of a set [edit]

Let the set of vertices {1,2,3, ..., v} be given. The set of edges of the wheel graph can be represented as a set {{1,2}, {1,3}, ..., {1, v}, {2,3}, {3,4}, ..., {v -1, v}, {v, 2}}. [2]

Properties [edit]

The wheels are planar graphs, and therefore have a single investment in the plane. Any wheel is a graph Khalina. They are self-dual — the dual graph of any wheel is isomorphic to the wheel itself. Any maximum planar graph other than K 4 = W 4 contains either W 5 or W 6 as a subgraph.

The wheel always has a Hamiltonian cycle and the number of cycles in W n is equal to   Wheel (graph theory) (sequence A002061 in OEIS).

  Wheel (graph theory)
7 cycles in the wheel W 4 .

For odd n values, W n is a perfect graph with a chromatic number of 3 — the cycle vertices can be colored in two colors, and the central vertex will have a third color. For even n W n, the wheel has a chromatic number of 4 and (for n ≥ 6) it will not be a perfect graph. W 7 is the only wheel that is a graph of unit distances on the Euclidean plane. [3]

Chromatic polynomial wheel W n is equal to

  Wheel (graph theory)

In the theory of matroids there are two especially important types of matroids - wheels and vortices , and both types are derived from wheel graphs. The matroid of the k- wheel is a graph matroid [en] of the wheel W k + 1 , and the matroid of the k- vortex is obtained from the matroid of the k- wheel by declaring an external cycle (rim) with the same independent set as its host trees.

The W 6 wheel gives a counterexample to Paul Erdös hypothesis in Ramsey theory — he suggested that a complete graph has the smallest Ramsey number among all graphs with the same chromatic number. However, Faudry and McKay (Faudree, McKay, 1993) showed that for W 6 the number of Ramsey is 17, while for the full graph K 4 with the same chromatic number Ramsey number is 18. [4] Thus, for any graph G with 17 vertices either G itself or its complement contains W 6 as a subgraph, while neither Paley graph with 17 vertices nor its complement contains K 4 .


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Discrete Math. Set theory. Graph theory. Combinatorics.

Terms: Discrete Math. Set theory. Graph theory. Combinatorics.